I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at
Virginia Tech.
My research interests include theoretical computer
science, algorithms, graph theory, computational biology and
bioinformatics, computational genomics, complex networks, and
computational epidemiology.
I completed a Ph.D. in computer
science (1985) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, an M.S.
in mathematics (1976) at the University of Chicago, and a B.S. in
mathematics (1975) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Before joining the faculty at Virginia Tech in 1987,
I was an instructor
of applied mathematics and member of the Laboratory of Computer Science at
I am a member of SIAM, a member of the International Society
for Computational Biology (ISCB), a member of the ACM, and a senior member
of the IEEE.
I am a managing editor of the Journal of Interconnection
Networks (JOIN).

For current and prospective graduate students,
note that I am not currently accepting new graduate students into my lab.