7.3 Type Conversion Operators

Type conversion is the act of producing a representation of some value of a target type from a representation of some value of a source type. Type conversion from int to long, from int to float are among the familiar base (built in) types conversions. These type conversions are meaningful because the source value has a natural, useful projection in the universe of values defined by the target type. For example, the integer "2" has a natural conversion to the floating point value "2.0".

Type conversion is needed in order to resolve mismatched types in assignments, expressions, or when passing parameters. The existance of type conversions makes it possible to use one type when a different type was expected, the type conversion bridging the difference between the types.

Type conversions may be either implicit or explicit as shown in the following examples using built in types:

	int i;
	float f;

	f = i;		// implicit conversion

	f = (float)i;	// explicit conversion

	f = float(i);	// explicit conversion
With implicit type conversion the compiler is given the responsibility for determining that a conversion is required and how to perform the conversion. With explicit type conversion the programmer assumes the responsibility. Notice that there are two different, but equivalent, syntaxes for an explicit conversion.

Type conversions involving user defined classes is also meaningful. Examples will be given below that illustrate conversion between a user defined class and a built in type and conversion between two user defined types.

The first example, illustrating type converstion between a user defined class and a built in type, uses the class Counter introduced in the sections on inheritance. Objects of this class can be incremented by a Next operation and can be displayed in the user interface by associating the Counter with a TextBox. The internal integer value of a Counter can be extracted by the Value method so that a Counter object can be used in contexts where an integer values is expected as follows:

	Counter count(0);

	// manipulate count

	if ( count.Value() > 0) ...

	if ( count.Value() == 100) ...

	cout << count.Value();

However, this syntax is awkward and unnatural.

Because a Counter object can be viewed as an integer value that has added capabilities (i.e., the ability to be displayed in the user interface), it is sensible to expect that a Counter object could be used in the following, more direct, ways:

	Counter count(0);

	// manipulate count

	if ( count > 0) ...

	if ( count == 100) ...

	cout << count;
In these examples the expectation is that a Counter object can be treated as a simple integer. One way to achieve this effect is to add to the Counter class overloaded operators for comparisons, arithmatic, stream I/O, etc.. A simpler alternative is to use type conversion.

A type conversion operator is added to the user defined Counter class as follows:

	class Counter {
	  operator int();

The operator overloading defines a type conversion operator that can be used to produce an int type from a Counter object. This operator will be used whenever an implicit or explict conversion of a Counter object to an int is required.

Notice that constructors also play a role in type conversion. The constructor for a Counter object is defined as follows in the Counter class:

	class Counter : public DisplayableNumber {
		Counter(int i);

This constructor can be viewed as a way of converting an int value to a Counter object. In general, a constructor in a class that takes a single argument of a type other than that class itself serves as a type converted from the argument type to the class.

Last Updated: November 17, 1995 / kafura@cs.vt.edu