198:314 Principles of Programing Languages
Fall 2001
Ryder's Lecture Home Page

Lecture notes

December 20, 2001:

The grades for our lecture are now posted. Your final exams can be looked at in Prof Ryder's office, after the beginning of next semester.

December 18, 2001:

The grade for Scheme is also online now, with the histogram of all the four projects. Click on the links below to browse it. Make sure that you report any mistake pai-Hsi (paihuang@paul.rutgers.edu) made AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. For all your grades, click here and for the histogram, click here.

December 14, 2001:

The grade for C++ is online now. Click here to check all your grade. Also, inform Pai-Hsi as early as possible if there is any typo. For the histogram of all the programming assignments, click here.

December 13, 2001:

Prof Ryder will have office hours on Monday, December 17, 2001 from 1:30-3:30pm in Core 311. Prof Ryder has all old homeworks and some midterm exams which were not picked up previously from Pai-Hsi. You can pick these up on Monday during office hours.

Dec 11, 2001

The file containing your grade is changed again. Talk to Pai-Hsi as early as possible for any change of grade (now with the grade for homework 9).

Dec 02, 2001

The file contining all your grades has been modified again. Talk to Pai-Hsi as early as possible if you think that something should be changed.

Nov 14, 2001

The file containing all your grades has been modified. Check your grade. Please report to Pai-Hsi AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE if there is a mistake. Don't wait until the end of the semester. Changing the grade for the first homework at the end of the semester is not considered REASONABLE.

Programming Examples

Examples can be found on remus in ~ryder/314/*. The C examples will be under the c subdirectory. Scheme examples are in the scheme/programs subdirectory. Old traces of Scheme programs are in scheme/traces. The Prolog examples will be under the prolog/programs subdirectory. Programming examples from the C++ 2 lecture can be found on remus in ~ryder/314/c++.

Prof Ryder's webpage
PROLANGS research group's webpage
Women in Computer Science group

Back to the entire class home page.

Old Announcements

November 12, 2001

A new listing of all the grades so far in the class in now available. This new listing of grades include your midterm grade, C grade, Prolog grade, attendence, and homework grades. If you suspect that there is a mistake with regard to your grade, report to Pai-Hsi as soon as possible. Also, if you see a question mark that means a "check". I used the check mark in the spreadsheet, but some browsers seem to be not knowing what it is. Also, click here to view the new histogram of Prolog and C grade.

November 8, 2001

A new listing of all the grades so far in the class is now available. We have disabled the old listing of midterm grades by full social security numbers, because they are duplicated here.

November 6, 2001

A histogram of our lecture's grades on the Prolog and C assignments can be viewed here. A listing by last 4 digits of student id number of these grades is given here.

November 5, 2001

Prof Ryder's office hours are changed for the rest of the semester to Thursdays, 12:30pm-2:30pm.

November 2, 2001

We are reporting the midterm grades by lecture section. You can examine the histogram for our lecture or find you test grade on our grades list. The quartile boundaries were: 126, 163(median), 188, 249. The mean was 162.

October 24, 2001

The midterm exam will cover the material up to and including Prof Ryder's last lecture before her trip last week.
This means material from lectures 1-10 on the syllabus as well as parameter passing will be covered by the midterm.
Remember that all corroborating materials for (or emails concerning) taking the makeup final exam must be given to Prof Ryder by Wednesday, October 24th afternoon.

October 9, 2001:

We corrected the note below about the name of our handin directory. The directory name listed before below on this page was different than the name used on the class programing projects page; this was a mistake. If you handed in your project using the name formerly listed here then let prof ryder know immediately.

Handin directory

Use cs314-ryder.proj** where ** is replaced by 1,2,3,4 respectively in each programming assignment.

September 11, 2001:

Corrected PDF files for the lecture notes are now available on our class lecture page.

September 3, 2001: Makeup Lecture Announced

In order to be co-ordinated with the Tuesday-Thursday sections of CS314, we will have a makeup lecture on Sunday, September 23, 2001 from 7:30pm-9:00pm in our classroom (SEC 118). Make plans to attend. Lecture notes for this lecture will be available on the web, as usual. There will be NO LECTURE on Wednesday, December 12, 2001 in compensation.

Last updated at 6:00pm December 20, 2001 by Barbara Ryder.