Running SPIM

you need to learn how to run SPIM on the code produced by your project and also how do output through syscalls. the following spim codes illustrate the syscall mechanism and the structure of a spim program. they also show a few more useful commands.

consider that the spim program is divided into regions for data and instructions. data is delimited by a ".data" command, whereas code is shown by ".text" command. you can toggle between these two regions in a spim program.

also notice the use of the labelled statement ".asciiz" to store a string called "greet".

# This is a simple program to print hello world
# a comment starts with a # till the end of the line

	.data			# start putting stuff in the data segment
greet:	.asciiz "Hello world\n"	# declare greet to be the string
	.text			# start putting stuff in the text segment
main:				# main is a label here. Names a function
	li $v0, 4		# system call code for print_str(sect1.5 appen)
	la $a0, greet		# address of string to print
	syscall			# print the string
	jr $ra			# return from main

# here li is load immediate into an integer register
#      la is load computed address into an integer register
#      jr is standard return from function call...$ra contains return
#      address

the use of syscall here is standard: the system call code is loaded into $v0 (see table 1 in appendix) and then the arguments into registers $a0-$a3 (or $f12 for floating point numbers). return values, if any, are returned in register $v0. there are 4 types of writes and reads each.

this next program shows how to print an integer value and to code a loop with its loop test using a branch instruction. note the data statement here appears at the end of the program.

# this program adds the numbers 1 to 10
	move $t0, $zero		# initialize sum (t0) to 0
	move $t1, $zero		# initialize counter (t1) to 0
loop:	addi $t1, $t1, 1	# increment counter by 1
	add  $t0, $t0, $t1	# add counter to sum
	blt  $t1, 10, loop	# if counter < 10, goto loop
				# this is outside the loop
				# code to print the sum

	li   $v0, 1		# system call for print_int
	move $a0, $t0		# the sum to print
	syscall			# print the sum

				# code to print a newline
	li   $v0, 4		# system call for print_str
	la   $a0, newline	# address of str to print
				# wind up the program
	jr $ra			# return from main

newline:.asciiz "\n"		# declare the string newline
				# note, the decl follows the use.
				# it may also be within the code as long
				# as we toggle between .text and .data
				# correctly

the third program demonstrates the floating instructions. notice that we toggle from .data to .text to .data here

# this program evaluates 3.1428 + 2.7182 + 17
# the numbers are not meaningful out here but are approximations to 
# pi, e and 17 is a prime number

pi:	.float 3.1428

	li.s  	$f2, 2.7182	# load immediate e(2.7182) into float.reg.f2
	l.s   	$f4, pi		# note, even numbered floating reg. used
	add.s 	$f2, $f2, $f4	# add pi and e. Result in f2
	li    	$t0, 17		# load 17 into a CPU reg.
	mtc1  	$t0, $f6	# move 17 to f6
	cvt.s.w $f4, $f6	# convert 17 to a floating number, result in f4
	add.s   $f2, $f4, $f2	# add 17.0 to pi + e
	li   	$v0, 2		# system call for print_float
	mov.s	$f12,$f2	# notice the two stepped move from f2 to f12

	li   	$v0, 4		# system call for print_str
	la   	$a0, newline	# address of str to print

	jr     $ra		# return
newline:.asciiz "\n"

the output obtained when running these three programs:

46 remus!spim> spim -file hello.s
SPIM Version 6.0 of July 21, 1997
Copyright 1990-1997 by James R. Larus (
All Rights Reserved.
See the file README for a full copyright notice.
Loaded: /usr/local/lib/spim/trap.handler

Hello world

47 remus!spim> spim -file add.s
SPIM Version 6.0 of July 21, 1997
Copyright 1990-1997 by James R. Larus (
All Rights Reserved.
See the file README for a full copyright notice.
Loaded: /usr/local/lib/spim/trap.handler


48 remus!spim> spim -file floats.s
SPIM Version 6.0 of July 21, 1997
Copyright 1990-1997 by James R. Larus (
All Rights Reserved.
See the file README for a full copyright notice.
Loaded: /usr/local/lib/spim/trap.handler


49 remus!spim>