SPIM code for "hello world" program

# This is a simple program to print hello world
# a comment starts with a # till the end of the line

	.data			# start putting stuff in the data segment
greet:	.asciiz "Hello world\n"	# declare greet to be the string
	.text			# start putting stuff in the text segment
main:				# main is a label here. Names a function
	li $v0, 4		# system call code for print_str(sect1.5 appen)
	la $a0, greet		# address of string to print
	syscall			# print the string
	jr $ra			# return from main

# here li is load immediate into an integer register
#      la is load computed address into an integer register
#      jr is standard return from function call...$ra contains return
#      address