Dr. James D. Arthur
Emeritus Professor
Computer Science
(540) 231-7538
- Ph.D., 1983, Computer Science, Purdue University
- M.S., 1981, Computer Science, Purdue University
- M.S., 1979, Computer Science, University of Houston
- M.A., 1973, Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- B.S., 1972, Mathematics, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Current Research Interests:
- Software Engineering
- Agile Software Development
- Independent Verification and Validation
- Software Quality Assessment
Selected Research Grants and Contracts:
- Navy Collaborative Integrated Information Technology Initiative (NAVCIITI), "Network Systems Interoperability." $422,426.
- Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, "SLBM Transition to a Multi-Paradigm Software Support Environment," NSWCDD, $101,626.
- Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, "Future Operating Systems Transition for the Tomahawk and UAV Programs." $124,946.
- National Aeronautical and Space Administration. "Empirical Methods
for the Study of Software Engineering." $341,800.
- Department of Defense. "The Evaluation of Software Quality: An Empirical
Investigation." $758,700.
Professional Activities (Selected):
- Guest Editor, Annals of Software Engineering, Special Issue:
Process and Product Quality Measurement.
- Member, Editorial Board: Software Quality Journal (2003-2010)
- Member, IEEE Working Group on Reference Models for Verification
and Validation.
- Member, Program Committee, OR/SIGSIM Workshop, London England , 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010
- Member, Program Committee, IEEE Software Engineering Workshop: Kassandra Greece , 2008, Greenbelt MD, 2001
- Member, Program Committee, 10 th International Conference on Agile Processes and Extreme Programming in Software Engineering (XP 2009), Sardinia Italy , May 2009 .
- Member, Program Committee, Agile 2008 (Toronto) & Agile 2009 (Chicago).
- Panel Chair and Organizer: Verification,Validation and Accreditation
Track, Winter Simulation Conferences (2000, 1999, 1997).
- Member, Virginia Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence, Virginia Tech
Academy of Faculty Service, Pi Mu Epsilon,
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Golden Key Honor Society, ACM, IEEE/CS.
Awards and Honors:
- Fulbright Teaching/Research Fellowship (Croatia), 2011
- Chairman, Virginia Tech Academy of Teaching Excellence, 1991-1992
- Virginia Tech Alumni Teaching Award, 1990
- Virginia Tech College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award, 1987, 1990
- Virginia Tech Computer Science Teaching Award, 1985, 1988, 1989
- Member, International Who's Who
Other Professional Experience:
- Interim Department Head, Computer Science, Virginia Tech
- Advisor, U.S. Navy Commonality Working Group
- Academic Associate, Shell Oil Company
- Systems Analyst, Drilco, Inc.
- Programmer/Analyst, Drexel Furniture Company
Selected Publications:
- Soundararajan, S., Arthur, J.D. and O. Balci, "A Methodology for Assessing Agile Software Development Methods," Agile 2012 , Dallas TX, August 2012.
- Soundararajan, S., Chigani, A. and J.D. Arthur , "Understanding the Tenets of Agile Software Engineering: Lecturing, Exploration and Critical Thinking," Proceedings of the 43 rd Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education ( SIGCSE 2012), Raleigh NC, February 2012, pp. 313-318.
- Gausepohl, K., Winchester, W., Arthur, J. and T. Smith-Jackson, "Investigation of Storytelling as a Requirements Elicitation Method for Medical Devices," Feature Article Contribution, Ergonomics in Desig n, Vol 19, No. 2. Spring (April) 2011, pp. 19-24.
- Soundararajan, S. and J.D. Arthur , "A Structured Framework for Assessing the ‘Goodness' of Agile Methods," Eighteenth IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems , Las Vegas NV, April 2011, pp. 14-23.
- Gausepohl, K., Winchester, W., Arthur, J. and T. Smith-Jackson, "Knocking Down Brick Walls: An HF/E Students Entry into the Healthcare Domain," Professional Issues Contribution, Ergonomics in Desig n, Vol. 18. No. 1, Winter (March) 2010, pp. 24-25.
- Soundararajan, S. and J.D. Arthur, "A Soft-Structured Framework for Agile Software Engineering," Sixteenth IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems , San Francisco CA, April 2009, pp. 187-195.
- Ravichandar, R. and J.D. Arthur, "Reducing the Number of Change requests using Capability Engineering: An Empirical Study," Software Engineering and Applications (SEA2009) , Cambridge MA, November 2009, ACTA Press, Software Engineering Track, 669-017.
- Ravichandar, R., Arthur, J., Bohner, S. and D. Teagarten, "Improving Change-Tolerance through Capability-based Design: An Empirical Analysis," International Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution , April 2008, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 135-170.
- R. Ravichandar and J. D. Arthur, "Cohesion, Coupling and Abstraction Level: Criteria for Capability Identification," Journal of Software , Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1 - 8, Jan 2008.
- Sidky, A., Arthur, J. and S.
Bohner, "A Disciplined Approach to Adopting Agile Practices: The
Agile Adoption Process," Innovations in Software Engineering, September
2007, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 203-216.
- Arthur, J.D., Nance, R.E., Bazaz, A. and O. Balci,
"Mitigating Security Risks in Systems that Support Pervasive Services and Computing:
Access-Driven Verification, Validation and Testing," IEEE International Conference on
Pervasive Services (ICPS ’07), Istanbul Turkey, July 2007, pp.
- Arthur, J.D. and Groener,
M.K., "An Operational Model For Structuring the Requirements
Generation Process," The Requirements Engineering Journal,
January 2005, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 45-62.
- Arthur, J.D. and Groener,
M.K., "Verification and Validation of Operational Software: A
Methodology Critique," Software
Process: Improvement and Practice, July/September 2004, Vol. 9, Issue
13, pp.157-171.
- Arthur, J.D. and R.E. Nance, "Verification and Validation Without
Independence: A Recipe for Failure," Proceedings of the 2000 Winter
Simulation Conference, Orlando FL (2000).
- Arthur, J.D. Groener, M., Hayhurst, K.J., and C.M. Holloway, "Evaluating
the Effectiveness of Independent Verification and Validation,"
IEEE Computer, Vol. 32, No. 10, (1999).
- Arthur, J.D. and R.E. Nance, "Independent Verification and Validation:
A Missing Link in Simulation Methodology?," Proceedings of the 1996
Winter Simulation Conference, Coronado, CA (1996).
- Arthur, J. D., R. E. Nance, and O. Balci. "Establishing System Development
Process Control: Technical Objectives, Operational Requirements and the
Foundational Framework," Journal of Systems Software 22 (1993).
- Arthur, J. D., and R. E. Nance. "A Framework for Assessing the Adequacy
and Effectiveness of Software Development Methodologies," Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Annual Software Engineering Workshop, Greenbelt, Md., (1990).
Within the software engineering domain current research efforts proceed on three
complementary fronts - software quality assessment and prediction,
independent verification and validation, and requirements engineering.
In the software quality assessment area the focus is on
systematic quality assessment and prediction guided by the Objectives/Principles/Attributes
(OPA) Framework for software development. Software Quality Indicators,
undeniably linked to software quality attributes, form a basis for measurement.
Substantiated links between desirable software engineering objectives and the
principles employed to achieve those objectives, and product attributes
resulting from a process guided by such principles, enable the propagation of
indicator values leading to quality assessment at multiple levels. The OPA
Framework supports a rational approach for reasoning about how and why
particular measures are observed. Moreover, because it focuses on product, process and documentation artifacts, the underlying assessment framework can be applied to both conventional software development processes (e.g., Waterfall-based models), as well as some of the more non-conventional approaches (e.g., Agile Software Development).
Verification and validation (V&V) techniques can provide significant benefits
and insights when used in tandem with software development activities.
Unfortunately, powerful V&V techniques are often ignored because of the time
and costs associated with their use. Our research questions "why" the prohibitive
cost and time, and "how" to reduce the cost and time without significantly
sacrificing benefits. Of particular interests is developing V&V techniques
that support the evolution of requirements that reflect what the user
intends to convey as opposed to what is often (mis)understood by the person
developing the requirements.
The work in IV&V has brought to light the real
importance of acquiring the
correct set of requirements from the customer, that is, requirements that
reflect the intent of the customer. Initial work has revealed two major
contributing to our inability to elicit requirements meeting the
customer's intent: the lack of structure and lack of guidance in the
process. To that end, we have defined a Requirements Generation Model (RGM)
that consistes of a multiphase framework, a comprehensive set of
guidelines and protocols that structure interaction, and a
monitoring methodology that continuously "samples" the interaction for
deviations from the expected norm and suggests corrective actions
when such deviations are detected. We are currently in the
process of validation the RGM and are moving toward developing an environment
supporting the RGM.
Personal Interests
- Fishing (Fresh and Salt Water), Boating (Power and Sailing), Old Cars, Traveling and Sci-Fi Movies.