The sed and perl scripts in this package correct obsolete and unsupported FORTRAN constructs for use with standard Fortran 90. The first set of scripts formats the FORTRAN file for use with the second set of scripts. 1. The following set of scripts format a FORTRAN file to be used with the conversion scripts: Best results are achieved by converting the file to lowercase, stripping out tabs, and stripping out columns > column 72, then running the appropriate conversion script. The file may be converted back to uppercase after the conversion file has run. Function: Convert program to lowercase and back to uppercase. Usage: sed -f lowercase.sed < input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 57 Mar 9 02:32 lowercase.sed -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 57 Mar 9 02:33 uppercase.sed Function: Strip columns 1-72 of a file (some early FORTRAN programs use columns > 72 for line numbers, which need to be removed before running the scripts. Usage: input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 77 Mar 9 02:32 Function: Convert tabs to a sequence of spaces; the number of spaces is set to 8, but may be altered in the sed file. Usage: sed -f tabs.sed < input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 17 Mar 9 02:32 tabs.sed 2. The following set of scripts execute the actual conversions to the code. Function: Convert arithmetic IF into IF-THEN-ELSE with GOTOs. Usage: > -rwxr-xr-x 1 mcmahon mcmahon 546 Mar 9 02:32 Function: Converts labelled do-loops to loops using enddo. Usage: input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 1046 Mar 10 00:11 Function: Converts Hollerith comments to quoted strings. For constants spanning > 1 line, an interactive mode is entered in which the user makes the conversion. Usage: input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 1788 Mar 10 00:06 Function: Fix obsolete intrinsic functions to their correct names. Other intrinsic functions are easily added by duplicating the format of the existing conversions in the perl file. Usage: input-file > output-file -rw-r--r-- 1 mcmahon mcmahon 2524 Mar 9 02:32