Software Engineering PhD Qualifier Exam
Spring 2021

Exam Committee

    Dr. Na Meng (Chair)
    Dr. Francisco Servant
    Dr. Muhammad Ali Gulzar

Exam Signup for Students

Please send an email to by 12/7 to sign up for the exam. In the email,    Notice that if a student is not from the Software Engineering research area, we will not provide the qualifier exam to the student.
If a student does not register for an exam by 12/7, we will not take any additional registration after that.

Exam Requirements

Every student will take an oral exam to introduce his/her research achievements in CS@VT so far and the research plan for the upcoming years before graduation. For instance, a student can introduce one major research project he/she has finished or has been working on, and then briefly discuss about two major research ideas to investigate as the future work for the PhD dissertation.

The exam will last for about one hour, including 45-minute oral presentation and 15-minute Q&A. The committee may ask questions during the presentation or ask more questions in the Q&A session. All students are welcome to listen to the talk and ask questions.


Students are expected to well explain The grading policy is as below: After the exam, the committee will discuss about the result and give students comments, feedback, and suggestions. Finally, the chair will send emails to both students and GPC about the score.

Important Timelines

11/19/2020 - 12/7/2020: Exam Signup

12/8/2020 - 1/5/2021: Exam Time/Location Scheduling

1/6/2021 - 2/10/2021: Oral Exams

Registration Withdrawal Policy

The student can withdraw a scheduled exam by 1/5. After that, if a student does not show up for an exam, then the score will be 0.
During 12/8 - 1/5, if a student with registration does not settle down the exam time/location, the exam will be automatically withdrawn.