198:515 - Programming Languages and Compilers I
Fall 2005
Prof Barbara G. Ryder
Old Announcements

November 20, 2005:There will be no office hours this week; Happy Thanksgiving. Remember we will have class on Monday, Nov 29th and Friday, Dec 2nd and then skip class on Monday, Dec 5th, 2005.

November 11, 2005:The midterm grades are available; we will turn back the tests in class Monday night and discuss them. If you received a grade 90 or lower then you should come see Prof Ryder at office hours on Nov 16th.

November 8, 2005: The SML project is now posted on the programming assignments page.

Meeting times for CS516 in spring 2006 will be 4:30-6:00pm Monday/Weds. Please preregister for the course, if you think you are interested. If the class time is a problem, please contact Prof Ryder.

November 2, 2005: Office hours today for Prof Ryder will run from 3:00-4:30pm. Posting of the SML assignment is being delayed until early next week, after we have had an entire lecture on SML; due dates will be adjusted accordingly.

October 27, 2005: Types homework answers posted.

October 25, 2005:Please keep checking the programming projects page for any updates/fixes for the Prolog project.

October 24, 2005: Update to Prolog assignment posted.

October 17, 2005: Grammar typo fixed for Prolog assignment; see assignment page.

October 14, 2005: Important updates added to the Prolog assignment on the assignment page.

October 7, 2005: Anyone who is not able to come to our makeup lecture tonight, should come by my office hours next week (Oct 12th, 3:30-5:30pm) OR call me during that time period (732-445-3699) with any questions about the assignment or the lecture notes. Note that office hours next Weds afternoon are EARLIER in the day than normal (due to the religious holiday that starts that evening).

The Prolog assignment is now posted.

September 18, 2005: SCHEDULE CHANGES: Remember this coming week we will meet twice, on Monday Sept 19th (6-9pm) and Thursday Sept 22nd (6:30-9:30pm) in Core A. The second class is a makeup for the Monday, Sept 26th class which is cancelled due to Prof Ryder's conference travel to Europe. The Monday, Oct 3rd class is cancelled also (due to a religious holiday) and the makeup class will be held on Friday, October 7th in Core A from 6-9pm.

WOWinC - Work Opportunities for Women in Computing is a free, day-long conference at NYU on Friday September 23, 2005 for female undergraduate and graduate students who are considering a career in computing and information technology. Participating institutions are NYU, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers, with sponsorship by IBM. Please note that you are asked to register online for the (free) conference if you wish to attend.

August 31, 2005: Our class has been rescheduled to meet in Core A from 6:00pm-9:00pm on Monday nights.

Last updated by Barbara Ryder, November 28, 2005.