Emerging Scholars in Computer Science

Program Details

Who's in charge?

Rutgers Emerging Scholars in Computer Science program is under the supervision of Professor of Computer Science, Dr. Barbara G. Ryder, in cooperation with Dr. Pradip Hari, co-ordinator for Introduction to Computer Science (CS111).

Participant Qualifications

We recruit students for the Rutgers program over the summer (and over winter break) by selection, in coordination with the dean's offices of each of Rutgers, Douglass, and Livingston Colleges. We especially are looking for students from groups underrepresented in Computer Science (i.e., women, African-Americans, Latinos), who are calculus-ready, with strong backgrounds in mathematics and science, evidenced by strong SAT Math scores and high school grades, who may not have considered studying Computer Science.

Program Description

Selected participants will be asked to enroll in CS111, a 4 credit course, and also to enroll in 1 credit of CS293, Independent Study with Prof Barbara Ryder. Participants will be expected to do all the required work in CS111 and in addition, to attend RESCS sessions for 2 hours once a week. RESCS group members will not necessarily all be in the same lecture of CS111, but the course is coordinated to do the same assignments and tests across all the lectures, so all participants will be studying the same curriculum.

There will be some extracurricular events each semester for RESCS particpants and also former participants. We expect to hold a career night each semester featuring recent Rutgers CS graduates who work in nearby companies. There also will be some social, networking events.


Last updated at 3:00pm on August 29, 2006 by BGR.