I got this animation from syruss.com.  Click to go there.

Sara Ilyse Hahn

That's me!

Welcome to my web page! I am a computer science major and linguistics minor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. If all goes well, I will graduate in May 2006, but that's still up in the air, because I've changed my major several times. So, I'm playing catch up, and trying to complete the major in a year and a half.


  • Aviation
  • Computers
  • Languages

    Computer Science Courses I've Taken

    Introduction to Computer Science CS111 Fall 2004
    Data Structures CS112 Spring 2005
    Introduction to Discrete Structures I CS205 Spring 2005
    Introduction to Discrete Structures II CS206 Summer 2005
    Principles of Information and Data Management CS336Summer 2005

    Current Computer Science Courses - Fall 2005

    Computer ArchitectureCS211
    Principles of Programming Lanauges CS314
    Numerical Analysis Computing CS323
    Design and Analysis of Algorithms CS334