CS6604: Designing and Implementing Online Education Systems
Assignment 2: Spring 2015

45% of semester grade

You must complete a semester project during the course of the semester. To give a sense of effort and scope expected, I consider it reasonable that you spend approximately 60-70 hours during the course of the semester on the project (that would be about five hours per week for the rest of the semester). Final submission of the project is due on Friday, May 1.

Projects may be done individually, or with a partner or small group, depending on what seems appropriate for the topic.

Projects should be relevant to the course topic on Online Education System. Project topic must be approved by Dr. Shaffer. Send me an intial email with an idea (and potential partners) by Friday, February 6. All students must finalize their topic by Wednesday, February 11. Prior to that date (leave enough time for some discussion in case your original suggestion needs modification), send me email describing what you would like to do.

It is acceptable if your semester project can be related to ongoing research work that you are conducting.

Along with your project, you must submit a writeup documenting the work done on your project, along with any appropriate sourcecode or software installation. If you are conducting a non-software oriented project such as a survey or focus group, then the main deliverable will be your writeup documenting your findings. [Note: This is separate from the Assignment 3 paper.]

Once projects have been submitted, you will also be responsible for evaluating your peers' semester projects (see Assignment 4). We will discuss the details of this process later. Keep this in mind when developing the "deliverables" for yor project that you need to find a way to present the results to your peers.

Here are some potential topics for projects. Since we are starting a major effort to convert OpenDSA to make use of the OpenEdX infrastructure, I have a lot of ideas for projects related to that. This is not meant to imply that people need to work on something related to this for their class project! This just happens to be what is on my mind right now.

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