With the rapid growth of GPGPU research in my research lab, I am looking for motivited Ph.D. students who are interested in the research of GPU computing and visualization.
5/19/2013 --- Chao Peng graduated from my
research lab as a Ph.D. student. He will become my colleague as he
stays in academia. Congratulations!
2/18/2013 --- SeungIn Park graduated from my
research lab as a Ph.D. student. She joins Sumsang to continue her
research on parallel computing. This picture is taken from her
graduation dinner party with all lab members.
5/15/2012 --- Chao Peng and I presented our paper
during Eurographics 2012 at Cagliara, Italy.
9/8/2010 --- The three interns from Singapore,
Yaowei Tan, Geraldine Au and Jingquan Zhang, just finished their
training in my lab. I would like to thank them for their contribution.