3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice
Chapter 12: Beyond Virtual: 3D User Interfaces for the Real World
Despite the dramatic developments in the fields of desktop-based and immersive 3D computer-generated environments, we still spend most of our lives in the real world. Augmented reality (AR), a relatively new field of interactive computer graphics, proposes to augment real-world and physical spaces with computer-controlled sensory stimuli, such as images, sounds, and smells. These stimuli create, in a sense, an interactive virtual space embedded into the physical world around us. AR environments differ from VEs in that we can have access to both real and virtual objects at the same time, so instead of replacing the real environments around us, we can enhance them with tools and experiences that are impossible in the real world. In this chapter, we look at the issues involved in designing 3D UIs for AR applications.
12.1. Introduction
    12.1.1. What Is Augmented Reality?
    12.1.2. Bringing Virtual Interfaces into the Real World
    12.1.3. Chapter Roadmap
12.2. AR Interfaces as 3D Data Browsers
12.3. 3D Augmented Reality Interfaces
12.4. Augmented Surfaces and Tangible Interfaces
12.5. Tangible AR Interfaces
    12.5.1. Design of Tangible AR
    12.5.2. Time-Multiplexed Interaction in Tangible AR
    12.5.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Tangible AR
12.6. Agents in AR
12.7. Transitional AR: VR Interfaces
12.8. Conclusions
Devoted to the design and evaluation of three-dimensional user interfaces