Hi. I'm Amit N Subrahmanya.

I'm a Ph.D. student advised by Adrian Sandu, in the Computational Science Lab at the CS Department in Virginia Tech. I work on data assimilation, specifically, particle filters. My other interests include time stepping methods and machine learning for scientific computing.


  • Amit N Subrahmanya, Andrey A Popov, Adrian Sandu, A Generalized Variational Particle Filter. (Ongoing)
  • Andrey A Popov, Amit N Subrahmanya, Adrian Sandu, A Stochastic Covariance Shrinkage Approach to Particle Rejuvenation in the Ensemble Transform Particle Filter. (Ongoing)
  • Austin Chennault, Andrey A Popov, Amit N Subrahmanya, Rachel Cooper, Adrian Sandu, and Anuj Karpatne, Neural network surrogates for fast 4DVar data assimilation. (Ongoing)


  • Amit N Subrahmanya, Andrey A Popov, Adrian Sandu, A Generalized Variational Particle Filter at SIAM CSE 2021.

Contact me

Write to me at: amitns@vt.edu

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