!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBROUTINE mexFunction( nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs ) !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Matlab Gateway for the Derivative Function Fun !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USE cbm_Model INTEGER nlhs, nrhs INTEGER plhs(*), prhs(*) INTEGER mxGetPr, mxCreateFull, mxGetM, mxgetN INTEGER VPtr, FPtr, RPtr, VdotPtr REAL(kind=dp) V(32), F(1), RCT(81) REAL(kind=dp) Vdot(32) ! Check for the right number of input arguments IF ( nrhs .ne. 3 ) THEN CALL mexErrMsgTxt('Fun requires 3 input vectors: & &V(32), F(1), RCT(81)') END IF ! Check for the right number of output arguments IF ( nlhs .ne. 1 ) THEN CALL mexErrMsgTxt('Fun requires 1 output vector: & &Vdot(32)') END IF plhs(1) = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(32,1,0) VPtr = mxGetPr(prhs(1)) CALL mxCopyPtrToReal8(VPtr,V,32) FPtr = mxGetPr(prhs(2)) CALL mxCopyPtrToReal8(FPtr,F,1) RPtr = mxGetPr(prhs(3)) CALL mxCopyPtrToReal8(RPtr,RCT,81) VdotPtr = mxGetPr(plhs(1)) CALL Fun( V, F, RCT, Vdot ) CALL mxCopyReal8ToPtr(Vdot, VdotPtr, 32) END SUBROUTINE mexFunction