Release Date: 2025-01-27

Part 2: Compile and Run Linux v6.12

Submission deadline: 2025-02-03 11:59pm on Canvas. No extension.

In this part, you will compile and run the Linux kernel v6.12. Make sure you already have a working VM environment and be able to directly ssh into the VM from a terminal on your host OS using the port forwarding approach.

  • Open a tmux session named “LKP”,
  • Get Linux kernel source from github repo here
  • Switch to tag “v6.12”
  • Change kernel config file to ensure the kernel name (output of uname -a) includes your VT PID/username in it, i.e., kernel name should end with “${YourPID}-LKP25”. ${YourPID} refers to your VT PID/username.
  • Compile and install the Linux kernel using default (the defconfig make target) configuration options
    • Please use time make -j XXX for parallel compilation, where XXX is the number of cores of your VM, save the output of the time command above, and put it in a file named “linux-kernel-compilation-time.txt”. Below is an example output in my setup:
make -j24  1698.78s user 647.14s system 1418% cpu 2:45.41 total
  • Append “Number of CPU cores used for compilation: XXX”, replace XXX with the number of cores you used for compilation, to the file “linux-kernel-compilation-time.txt”
  • Reboot the VM using your compiled kernel
  • Double check uname -a shows that you’re using your compiled Linux kernel.

  • Take a screenshot to showcases the results of the following commands: uname -a and cat /proc/cmdline, save it as “linux-kernel-screenshot.png”
➜  ~ uname -a
Linux fvm 6.12.0-huaicheng-lkp-gadc218676eef-dirty #10 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jan 27 05:33:14 UTC 2025 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
➜  ~ cat /proc/cmdline

What to submit on Canvas (Assignments/Ex0)

Organize your results in the following folder/file format:

 - linux-kernel-compilation-time.txt
 - linux-kernel-screenshot.png}

Submit ${YourPID}-lkp25-ex0.tar.gz (tar czvf ${YourPID}-lkp25-ex0.tar.gz ${YourPID}-lkp25-ex0).

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LKP: (Advanced) Linux Kernel Programming (Spring 2025) - Huaicheng Li