Tessema M. Mengistu
Collegiate Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech
310 Northern Virginia Center
Falls Church, VA 22043
Office: Room 486
Tel: 703-538-8313 (ext. 88313)
E-mail: mengistu at vt dot edu
Tessema Mengistu is a Collegiate Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech (Innovation Campus). Before joining Virginia Tech, he was an Assistant Professor (Term) at the Department of Computer Science of George Mason University. He was also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Dr. Mengistu earned his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 2018. During his Ph.D., he was working in Cloud Computing and Big Data Lab. Dr. Mengistu received his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science and Statistics, respectively, from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He also received his second M.Sc. degree from Université Côte d'Azur (Ubinet), France.
His research interests include Edge Intelligence, Edge/Cloud Computing, Big Data, Volunteer Computing, IoT, and Information Retrieval.
- 04/07/2022: I joined the program committee of the 2022 International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE'22).
- 24/07/2021: I joined the program committee of the 2021 International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE'21).
- Our paper "ZTIMM: A Zero-Trust-Based Identity Management Model for Volunteer Cloud Computing" is accepted for the 2020 International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020) to be held virtually, USA.
- Our short paper "Volunteer Cloud as an Edge Computing Enabler" is accepted for the 2019 International Conference on Edge Computing to be held in San Diego, USA June 25 - 30, 2019.
- Our paper "Multi-Objective Resource Mapping and Allocation for Volunteer Cloud Computing" is accepted for the IEEE international conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2019) to be held in Milan, Italy, July 8 - 13, 2019.
- Our journal paper "Survey and Taxonomy of Volunteer Computing" is accepted for ACM journal of Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2019.
- Our paper "Semi-Markov Process Based Reliability and Availability Prediction for Volunteer Cloud Systems" is accepted for the IEEE CLOUD 2018 conference to be held in San Fransisco, USA, July 2-7, 2018.
- Our paper "cuCloud: Volunteer Computing as a Service (VCaaS) System" is accepted for the CLOUD 2018 to be held in Seattle, USA, June 28 - July 01, 2018.