- General Chair for IEEE SecDev in 2023.
- Vice General Chair for IEEE SecDev in 2022.
- Associate Editor for IEEE TSE in 2021-2023.
- Panelist for New Faculty Symposium co-located with ICSE 2020.
- Session Chair for IJCNN 2021, ICSME2020, ICSE 2020, ICSE 2019, LCTES 2019
- Web Chair for PLDI 2020, PLDI 2019
- Co-chair: Publicity and Social Media for ASE 2017
- Service in CS@VT: Professor Panelist for CEED TechGirls, C-Tech^2, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineering (SASE) in 2021, VTHacks 8 Judge in 2021, Diversity Committee in 2021, SE Qualifier Exam Committee in 2019-2021, Graduate Admission Committee in 2017-2019
- 2016 System Reading Group
- External Reviewer Committee Member: PLDI 2020
- Program Board Member: ICSE 2020
- Program Committee Member: VARSE 2022, ICPC 2022, ICSE Workshops 2022, SPLASH-E 2021, PLDI2021, ICSE 2021, DLS'19, ICSME 2019, ICSE 2019, ASE 2018, SecDev 2018, ICSME 2017, Onward! 2017, ACM Student Research Competition (FSE 2016), FSE-VaR 2016, MSR 2016, ETX 2015, SEA 2015, MSR 2015
- Artifact Evaluation Committee Member: CGO and PPoPP 2016, OOPSLA 2015, PLDI 2015, CGO-PPoPP 2015
- Proposal Reviewer: DoE 2021, VT DDS (internal funding) 2018, NSF Panel 2016
- Journal Reviewer: TOSEM 2022, JSS 2022, Information and Software Technology (IST) 2022, TDSC 2022, Automated Software Engineering (AUSE) 2022, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing(TDSC) 2021, TSE 2021, TOSEM 2021, TOSEM 2020, EMSE 2020, JSME 2020, TSE 2020, TSE 2019, JSS 2019, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2019, IEEE Access 2019, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 2019, JSME 2018, TSE 2018, Frontiers of Computer Science 2018, Empirical Software Engineering 2017, BMC Bioinformatics 2017, Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) 2017, Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) 2016, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 2016, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 2015, IEEE Software 2015, Journal of Systems and Software(JSS) 2015, JSS 2014, Empirical Software Engineering 2013