Graduated Students

Rishith Gandham (2024 MS)

Waad Aldndni (2024 PhD => Assistant Professor in Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia)

Sheik Murad Hassan Anik (2024 PhD => Assistant Professor in Auburn University at Montgomery)

Tung Dao (2023 PhD => Cvent)

Ying Zhang (2023 PhD => LinkedIn)

Suhani Khurana (2023 MS => Bloomberg L.P.)

Hemayet Ahmed Chowdhury (2022 MS => Bloomberg L.P.)

Juntong Chen (2022 MS)

Yan Zhao (2021 MS => Eastern Michigan University)

Zongtao Lin (2021 MS => Intel)

Hanwen Liu (2021 MEng => PhD student in Virginia Tech)

Shu Lin (2021 PhD in Peking University, whom I co-advised with Prof. Wenxin Li in Peking University, China => Assistant Researcher in The Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Rahul Agarwal (2021 MS => Ellucian)

Yaxuan Zhang (2021 MS, with PhD in Material Engineering => Codex Health, Inc.)

Zijian Jiang (2020 MS, with PhD in Physics => Bloomberg L.P.)

Pronnoy Goswami (2020 MS => Microsoft Corporation)

Ye Wang (2020 MS)

Chengyuan Wen (2019 MS, with PhD in Physics)

Mengsu Chen (2018 MS, with PhD in Physics => Productiv Inc.)

Tung Dao (2017 MS => Cvent Inc., rejoined our group in 2020 for the PhD program)

Zhiyuan Li (2020 BS => MS student in Northwestern University)

Cihan Xiao (2019 BS => MS student in Johns Hopkins University)

Sophia Kobelja (2017 BS => SimonComputing, Inc.)

Zhenshu Zhao (2016 BS => MS student in CMU-Silicon Valley)