Resources regarding 3D graphics publishing


Polys, N. F. (2003). Stylesheet Transformations for Interactive Visualization: Towards Web3D Chemistry Curricula. Paper presented at: Web3D Symposium (St. Malo, France, ACM Press).

Those models are stored in an XML archive and styled out in this dynamic website:

also I put up the preprint version of a book chapter:
Polys, N. F. (2005b). Publishing Paradigms with X3D. In Information Visualization with SVG and X3D, a. V. G. Chanomei Chen, ed. (Springer-Verlag).
which is also in the vt library



> A very good VRML reference manual is online:
> The Concepts and Nodes pages explain each node, its expression and behavior
> Now some free models.
> In addition to loading VRMl and X3D files,
> Flux imports some common formats like .3ds .dxf and others
> There is also a shareware 3d-converter app for Windows on the DVD.
> When I did a google search on free 3d models there were tons.
> Some places that sell them also give a few away.
> This is a great archive of stuff in X3D and VRML:
> from:
> Some good tutorials about VRML authoring and embedding in web pages:
