The nodes variable is a data structure in Matlab terminology but could easily be treated as as N \times 3 array. The links data structure could also be simplified but has two fields links(i).nodes is a 1 \times 2 integer array with the node numbers corresponding to the link ends links(i).prop evaluates to a single character 'l' for (black) longerons, 'b' for (green) battens, and 'd' for (magenta) diagonals. I'll try to get you some 'data' for a typical field plot by tomorrow morning. Thanks gene cliff | Eugene M. Cliff | | Reynolds Professor Emeritus | | Aerospace and Ocean Engineering | | and | | Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics | | Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA 24061-0531 | | Phone: (540) 231-7667 - FaX: (540) 231-7079 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++