From: Eugene M. Cliff [] Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 2:22 PM To: Subject: data files Nick: I'll append two ascii files. coords has two simple lists: the number of x -coordinates (%i), followed by the x-coordinates (%6.2f\n), followed by the number of y coordinates (%i), followed by the y-coordinates (%6.2f\n) The x-coordinates are in meters and cover the range (approximately) -2 to +2, the y coordinates are in radians (-\pi to +\pi) flux has a string of 'flux' value snap shots (31 of them covering 0:20:600 seconds), and are in watts/m^2. The file begins with the number of snapshots ('%i\n') Each snapshot begins with a time = 0.00 line ('time = %8.2f\n') time in seconds The data values are then written out in y-order using '%12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f \n' Thus the first 24 flux values are at x = -1.98 m, with y values ranging from (approximately) (-\pi to +\pi). These coordinates are actually the centers of a covering by rectangles. The y-spacing is uniform but the x spacing is not. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if there are problems. Thanks for your help gene