I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech since August 2022, advised by Prof. Eugenia Rho. I received my Master's degree in Biostatistics from Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China in 2017, advised by Prof. Pingyan Chen. I am broadly interested in natural language processing (NLP) and computational social science, with a focus on human-computer interaction (HCI) in developing and evaluating an interactive AI system to assist people. I have also conducted research on epidemiology and public health, including pandemic surveillance, risk assessment, transmission modeling, and field investigations.
R: 10+ years of experience
Python: 10+ years of experience
PyTorch: 3+ years of experience
HuggingFace: 2+ years of experience
SQL: 5+ years of experience
PHP: The best programming language in the world!
JavaScript: 5+ years of experience
Vue: 1+ year of experience