Sanmay Das
Papers Lab Members and Alumni CV
Sanmay Professor, Department of Computer Science
Associate Director, AI for Social Impact, Sanghani Center for AI and Data Analytics
Virginia Tech (Innovation Campus)

Office: ICAB1 5714
e-mail: sanmay at vt dot edu

ICAB1, Virginia Tech
3625 Potomac Ave
Alexandria, VA 22305


I have broad interests across AI, machine learning, and computational social science. I have worked mainly on designing effective algorithms for agents in complex, uncertain environments, and on understanding the social or collective outcomes of individual behavior. My research spans market microstructure, matching markets, social networks, reinforcement learning, sequential decision-making, supervised learning, and data mining. My recent work focuses on the use of AI in the allocation of scarce societal resources, with an eye towards the distributive justice implications of different policies and mechanisms. For more details, you can read some of my papers.

Professional Bio (for talk announcements, etc.)

Sanmay Das is Professor of Computer Science and Associate Director of AI for Social Impact at the Sanghani Center for AI and Data Analytics at Virginia Tech’s Innovation Campus. He is chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence, a member of the DARPA ISAT Study Group, and an emeritus member of the board of directors of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. He serves as an associate editor for the ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, and Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and also as an arXiv moderator. He has served as program co-chair of AAMAS and of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, and as Associate Program Chair for IJCAI. He has been recognized with awards for research, teaching, and service, including a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the Department Chair Award for Outstanding Teaching at Washington University, and the Outstanding Service Award from the Computer Science Department at George Mason University. He was selected as an ACM Distinguished Member in 2023 for contributions to AI and economics, AI for social good, and for service to the profession. He has also worked with the US Treasury department on machine learning approaches to credit risk analysis and occasionally consults in the areas of technology and finance.

Selected Audio/Video and Media Coverage

  • I say a few things about bias in AI in this CACM article.

  • It was an honor to speak with the Provost of GMU as part of the Mason Vision Series. A recording of the conversation is available here: Justice in an AI-Mediated Society.

  • One benefit of Zoom talks is that people record them! Some recent recorded talks can give you a flavor of what I'm working on! University of Maryland Fairness in AI Seminar, Penn State AI for Social Impact Seminar, USC CAIS Symposium joint keynote (with Patrick Fowler)

  • I did a fun interview with Dave Costenaro and Fully Teasdale of

  • I have a brief cameo about 25 minutes into Peter Warren's PassWOrd show that focused on AI

  • Recording of an interview with Jay Kanzler on KTRS where I talk about search, bias, algorithms, and society.

  • I talked about machine learning for credit risk on a techemergence podcast.

  • Videos of a session in which I gave the second talk and interview I gave on prediction markets at the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit are online (along with a ton of other interesting talks and interviews!)

  • The Wikimedia research newsletter of September 2013 discussed some of our work on manipulation in Wikipedia

  • An INFORMS Daily Report blog post from 2008 on some of our Wikipedia research

  • An article from The Economist in 2003, describing some of my research on modeling financial markets

  • Selected External Service

    ACM SIGAI Chair (2019--); Vice-Chair (2013-2019)
    AAMAS General Co-Chair 2025; Program Co-Chair 2017; JAAMAS Track Co-Chair 2023; Sponsorships Co-Chair 2013; Track Chair 2021; Senior PC 2023, 2018, 2012; PC 2013-2015. AIES Program Co-Chair 2023, General Co-Chair 2024.
    DARPA ISAT Study Group Member (2023-26)
    IFAAMAS Board Member (2018-2024)
    ACM TEAC Associate Editor (2018-)
    JAIR Associate Editor (2019-)
    IJCAI Associate Program Co-Chair 2023; Sister Track Co-Chair 2015; Area Chair 2021; Senior PC 2024, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2013, 2011.
    ACM FAccT Area Chair 2025.
    ACM EC Workshops Chair 2011; Senior PC 2018; PC 2019, 2016, 2012-2014.
    AAAI Area Chair 2024, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2018, Senior PC 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012-2014; PC 2015
    NetEcon PC 2017.
    AMMA PC Co-Chair 2009; General Co-Chair 2011; PC 2015.
    ICML PC 2012, 2016.
    NeurIPS Reviewer 2012.
    ICDM PC 2008-10, 2012.
    KDD PC 2009.
    SDM PC 2008