// From the software distribution accompanying the textbook // "A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, // Third Edition (C++)" by Clifford A. Shaffer. // Source code Copyright (C) 2007-2011 by Clifford A. Shaffer. // Partial implementation for 2-3 Trees #include "book.h" #include "tt.h" // Warning: This has horrible memory leaks. // Everytime it does a remove to "it", // the next time "it" gets used, that previous // Int object gets clobbered. int main() { TTTree tree; Int* it; cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; tree.insert(100, new Int(100)); tree.print(); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; it = tree.remove(10); tree.print(); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; tree.clear(); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; tree.insert(15, new Int(15)); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; if ((it = tree.find(20)) != NULL) cout << "Found " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 20\n"; if ((it = tree.find(15)) != NULL) cout << "Found " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 15\n"; tree.print(); if ((it = tree.remove(20)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 20\n"; cout << "Now, insert 20\n"; tree.insert(20, new Int(20)); tree.print(); if ((it = tree.remove(20)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 20\n"; tree.print(); tree.insert(700, new Int(700)); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; tree.insert(350, new Int(350)); tree.insert(201, new Int(201)); tree.insert(170, new Int(170)); tree.insert(151, new Int(151)); tree.insert(190, new Int(190)); tree.insert(1000, new Int(1000)); tree.insert(900, new Int(900)); tree.insert(950, new Int(950)); tree.insert(10, new Int(10)); tree.print(); if ((it = tree.find(1000)) != NULL) cout << "Found " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 1000\n"; if ((it = tree.find(999)) != NULL) cout << "Found " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 999\n"; if ((it = tree.find(20)) != NULL) cout << "Found " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 20\n"; cout << "Now do some delete tests.\n"; if ((it = tree.remove(15)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 15\n"; tree.print(); if ((it = tree.remove(151)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 151\n"; tree.print(); if ((it = tree.remove(151)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 151\n"; if ((it = tree.remove(700)) != NULL) cout << "Removed " << it << endl; else cout << "No key 700\n"; tree.print(); tree.clear(); tree.print(); cout << "Size: " << tree.size() << "\n"; cout << "Finally, test iterator\n"; tree.insert(3500, new Int(3500)); tree.insert(2010, new Int(2010)); tree.insert(1700, new Int(1700)); tree.insert(1510, new Int(1510)); tree.insert(1900, new Int(1900)); tree.insert(10000, new Int(10000)); tree.insert(9000, new Int(9000)); tree.insert(9500, new Int(9500)); tree.insert(100, new Int(100)); tree.print(); // while (tree.size() > 0) // cout << tree.removeAny() << " "; cout << "\n"; return 0; }