Hi. I'm Tianjiao Yu.

I am currently a Phd student at Virginia Tech, working with both Dr.Ismini Lourentzou and Dr.Kurt Luther. I spent 2 years at Georgetown Unversity for my master degree. Before that, I did my undergraduate in University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Learn about what I do

Here's all my resaerch focus.

A language is not just words. It's a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It's all embodied in a language —Noam Chomsky

Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing strives to build machines that understand and respond to text or voice data—and respond with text or speech of their own—in much the same way humans do.

Crowd Intelligence

Explore the complementary strengths of crowdsourced human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI).

Linguistic (Syntax & Semantics)

I look for ways to utilize Linguistic knowledge for more informative, multilingual, robust and practical datasets and models

Here’s some stuff I do.


  • The Design of Electronic Medical Records System Using Skip-Gram Algorithm, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 2020. [link]


  • Morphological Analysis, Readability, and Classification of Website Privacy Policies
  • Health Misinformation Identification
  • Image texts Extraction and Translation

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