Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Google Scholar,
My research interests broadly cover security and privacy aspects of large online services. I am particularly interested in the emerging space at the intersection of machine learning and security. Three research directions include: (1) Attacks using ML: Investigating how recent developments in ML can be misused to abuse online services. (2) Attacks on ML systems: Understanding vulnerabilities of ML systems and improving robustness. (3) ML for better security/privacy: Leveraging advances in ML to build better defenses against attacks on online services.
I am a recipient of the Distinguished Paper Award (SOUPS 2014), Best Paper Award (COSN 2015), and the AI2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention for being among the top 100 most cited scholars in computer networking from 2009-2019.
I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. Before joining VT, I spent ~2 years as a Postdoc in SAND lab (at UCSB). Prior to that, I spent a year as a Researcher at Nokia Bell Labs, Stuttgart.
Our research is supported by CCI, NSF and 4-VA.