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READ( UNIT=int-expression UNIT=5 or UNIT=* for the default input unit
FMT=format FMT=``(edit_descriptor_list)''
FMT= is the implicit format
FMT=label points to a labeled FORMAT statement (see below)
IOSTAT=int-variable int-variable holds a return code,
set when READ completed; 0 if OK, negative if end-of-file
ERR=label, control is transferred to label if
error when reading the file
END=label, control is transferred to label if
end-of-file encountered
EOR=label, control is transferred to label if
end-of-record encountered (non-advancing only)
ADVANCE='mode', 'YES', the default, means that each
READ starts a new record; 'NO' for non-advancing I/O.
REC=int-expression, record no for direct access
SIZE=int-var int-var holds the number of characters read
for non-advancing READ
) input_list

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Adrian Sandu 2001-08-26