The function KIND(var) returns the kind of the variable var. For example, the code
integer(kind=4) :: i4 k = kind(i4)returns the value k = 4.
Intrinsic types have a predetermined kind value. With the KIND function we can inquire about the default kinds,
integer :: i real :: x double precision :: y ki = kind(i); kx = kind(x); ky = kind(y) \end{stlisting} % On Alpha 21264 the results are {\tt ki} = 4, {\tt kx = 4} and {\tt ky = 8}. All type conversion functions have an optional {\tt KIND} argument for specifying the kind of the result (recall that the type of the result is given by the function itself). For example, % \begin{verbatim} real :: x integer(kind=huge) :: i8 i8 = int(x,kind=huge) ! or i8 = int(x,kind=kind(i8))