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External Functions

The syntax of a function declaration is

For example, suppose we want to declare a function that receives the three coordinates of a cartesion vector x,y,z and returns the euclidian norm of the vector, ${\tt r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}}$ (this is also called the 2-norm). The arguments x,y,z are REAL, and so is the returned value r.

The declaration could then be

! function that computes norm 2    real=type of the returned value
real function norm_2(x,y,z) !x,y,z are "dummy" arguments
    implicit none !scope=body of the function
    real::x,y,z !dummy args declaration
                         !function name behaves like a variable
                         !holding the return value
end function norm_2

!function for norm 1
real function norm_1(x,y,z)
    implicit none
end function norm_1

!function for norm infinity
real function norm_inf(x,y,z)
    implicit none
end function norm_inf

!the main program
program norms
    implicit none
    print*,'Please give coordinates a,b,c.'
    print*,'The 2-norm= ',norm_2(a,b,c) !a,b,c are "actual" args
    print*,'The 1-norm= ',norm_1(a,b,c)
    print*,'The inf-norm= ',norm_inf(a,b,c)
end program norms

Note that the function name (norm_2) behaves like a variable; when the function terminates, this variable holds the result of the function (the ``return value'' of the function). The type of function is the type of the returned result, i.e. the type of the result variable (norm2). This type is declared explicitly as a prefix to the function name; in our example,

real function norm2(x,y,z).
Alternatively, this declaration can be mixed with the other declarations, for example
function norm2(x,y,z)
implicit none
real :: x, y, z, norm2
Either form is valid, and one declaration should always be given (otherwise the compiler will signal an error).

The variables x,y,z are called formal (dummy) arguments. They hold the input data for the function. When the function is invoked, they will be replaced by actual values.

The calling program also declares the type of the function, padded with the EXTERNAL attribute. For example, the calling program might read in the coordinates and print the 2-norm of the vector:

program print_norm
implicit none
real, external :: norm2
real :: a, b, c
print*, 'input~3~coordinates:'
print*,'the norm is',norm2(a,b,c)
end program print_norm
The declaration REAL, EXTERNAL :: norm2 tells the main program that norm2 is an external function which returns a REAL result. Of course, the compiler can figure out itself that norm2 is a function by seeing the name norm2 followed by paranthesis and the list of arguments at the place of call. Therefore, the EXTERNAL attribute is not really necessary here, and we can simplify the declaration to REAL :: norm2. However, it is good programming practice to have the EXTERNAL attribute, and I advise you to keep it whenever external functions (or procedures) are used. In passing, we note that there are instances when the name of the external function appears without the argument list - e.g. when the function name itself is an argument in another function call. In these instances, the EXTERNAL attribute is mandatory, since the compiler cannot distinguish between a function name and a variable name. Again, I advise you to give the EXTERNAL attribute all the time: the code is more readable, and you do not have to remember the detailed requirements for using this attribute.

The argument passing mechanism uses stacks. A stack is a memory structure which can be accessed (for both writting (push) and reading (pop)) from the top only. An example of a stack is: [see picture].

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Adrian Sandu 2001-08-26