course number instructor title
CS 6704 Francisco Servant Software Engineering Automation


Software engineering is a highly complex endeavor. Software engineers today 
perform complex tasks that involve the creative creation and comprehension of 
complex information, such as: code structure, implementation rationale, 
dynamic software behavior, change implications, and development team dynamics. 
At the same time, software engineers also spend large amounts of time performing 
mechanical work --- dealing with complex software development tools --- to be 
able to perform their tasks.  
The field of software engineering analytics and automation aims to improve 
the software engineering discipline in two ways: first, by performing analytics 
on the software development process to achieve an understanding of the problematic 
software engineering tasks and their efficiency bottlenecks; second, by developing 
automatic techniques that leverage such understanding to support software developers 
n performing their tasks more effectively and efficiently. 
In this graduate seminar, we will discuss the state-of-the-art research works 
in software engineering analytics and automation. The students will also work 
on research projects to develop novel techniques in this area.