course number instructor title
CS 6724 Aisling Kelliher Critical & Cultural Computing


Uberfication. Gene Editing. Black Twitter. Deep Dream Generator. 
OpenSurgery Initiative. Silicon Savannah. AI Barbie. Snowden. 
Post Snowden - Why and how do people respond and react to the 
socio-technical implications of the vast array of computation, 
computing, and computers encountered in their everyday lives? 
How might we analyze and interpret the very human expression 
and/or manifestation of, for example, fear, opportunism, delight, 
innovation, belief, indifference, or reliance in the face of such developments?
Through this hands on seminar, students will use a variety of 
theoretical and philosophical lenses to interrogate popular and 
academic readings in both historical and emerging areas of contemporary 
inquiry including software studies, feminist HCI, critical information 
visualization, the sharing economy, and media archaeology. In parallel, 
we will critically analyze a broad collection of design, art, architectural, 
engineering, and activist works that engage computation in technical, 
cultural, and provocative ways. Throughout the semester, students will 
work on embodying their own ideas and responses to the course content in 
physical and digital forms, culminating in an end of semester pop-up exhibition.