course number | instructor | title |
CS 6804 | HM Eldardiry | Multi-source Learning |
This course will provide an introduction to recent research in the area of multi-source learning. The course will survey recent approaches to model multi-source datasets, focusing on fundamental challenges in representation, learning, and inference. The class will be highly interactive, collaborative, and hopefully fun! The bulk of the work will be a class project (which ideally relates to your research and results in a publication), and reading and presenting papers.
Learning objectives
The suggested background includes machine learning and data analytics.
Students are encouraged to propose a project that relates to their research
while leveraging multi-source learning. Other potential projects include:
investigating the performance of multi-source learning algorithms, analyzing
data with multi-source learning models, designing and implementing multi-source
learning model/algorithm extensions, and a survey paper on a chosen problem or
class of techniques.