From: Joe Gabbard <>
Date: August 12, 2003 10:39:59 AM EDT
To: Doug Bowman <>, Jerry Isdale <>, '3DUI' <>
Cc: Marc Bernatchez <>, Deborah Hix <>
Subject: Re: Is there any standard in VR?


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At 08:26 AM 8/12/2003 -0400, Doug Bowman wrote:

Debby Hix and Joe Gabbard are still here at Virginia Tech, working on usability engineering for VEs. The guidelines work you mention was Joe's MS thesis, but I can't find it online right now (perhaps Joe can point you to it).

I will also point out guidelines work by Kulwinder Kaur in the UK (mostly for desktop VEs), and by myself (see e.g. my chapter in the Handbook of Virtual Environments). Finally, a good source of 3D UI guidelines are the course notes from the SIGGRAPH 2000 and 2001 courses by Joe LaViola, Ivan Poupyrev, Ernst Kruijff, and myself.


On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 06:28 PM, Jerry Isdale wrote:

Some excellent ground work for interaction was the work of Joe Gabbard and Debbie Hix on Usability of Virtual Environments, circa 1996-99.
There was a volumnious handbook of guidelines they generated for a variety of situations/devices/tasks (ONR grant).
Alas my links for that work are no longer functional although cite-seer still contains some references to the published papers although these links are also unresponsive today.
Doug Bowman - they were last seen in your vacinity (VT). Any pointers?
Are you out there Joe? Debbie? Are your papers still on the web?

Doug Bowman (540) 231-2058 (voice)
Assistant Professor (540) 231-6075 (fax)
Computer Science (email)
Virginia Tech