From: Lorenzo Pastrana <>
Date: August 13, 2003 5:35:00 AM EDT
To: 3DUI <>
Subject: Boardening interface experimentation access/audience (was : Is there any standard in VR?)

From: "Marc Bernatchez" <>


thinking in terms of software for VR. The way I see it, the main VR/VizSim
market activity at the moment is more localized on the hardware than
software aspect. There are some software libraries and tools, but not much
yet, to my knowledge, in term of user interfaces specifically.


A "filter selection" will probably have to be performed on the
many interaction techniques so that only the few best remains and develops
into standards.


The problem is that this filtering action has to be performed by the end-
users. We are stuck in a vicious circle.

I like to make a parallel with natural selection. If you look at evolution
of various life forms on earth, it indeed follow the accepted view that
standards (i.e. successful life forms in this case) are selected by a
lengthy process of trial and error, only keeping the most adapted to their

I don't think we really can get a standard emerging since 3dUI has sutch a
narrow audience; in the contrary I believe it's time to get working on the
'ability' to grow sutch standards, using adapted diffusion tools.

I had a discussion on this particular topic on "ACM SIGCHI WWW Human Factors
(Open Discussion)" CHI-WEB@ACM.ORG; the question was :
the message I refer to is :
the summary might not be mutch on topic here since most responses was not
focused on 3dUI.

However this is my actual preocupation : provide a tool so that you can
rapidly get and leverage user feedback about any widget / gizmo / metaphor
you could think about.

I'd be glad if any would mind to answer the couple of question in the post,
especially the 'wishlist' one (obviously translating the context to 3dUI
