From: "Pete J. Otis" <>
Date: March 27, 2003 5:21:47 AM EST
Subject: VIRTUAL ART : new video documentation

Fellow 3-d Colleagues and Friends,

The research project DATABASE OF VIRTUAL ART at Humboldt University has
recently created a video documentary series of contemporary media artists
like Maurice Benayoun, Jeffrey Shaw, Jean-Michel Bruyère, Luc Courchesne,
Masaki Fujihata, Lev Manovich and Zoe Beloff... These videos, representing
a small portion of the complex database - going public this summer - are
now already available through the ARTE website.

Samples from our work can be found:

More extensive information:

OLIVER GRAU: VIRTUAL ART: From Illusion to Immersion,
MIT Press January 2003, ISBN 0-262-07241-6)



DATABASE OF VIRTUAL ART at Humboldt University of Berlin
scientific direction Dr. Oliver Grau
in cooperation with: channel unit digitale mediengesellschaft mbh

video direction: Robert loessl
text: Dr. Oliver Grau
assistance: Anna Paterok

with grateful support from Zentrum fuer Kunst- und Medientechnologie /
Dr. Andrea Buddensieg / Future Cinema.
recording / editing: channel unit digitale mediengesellschaft mbh
titles: Sevrina Giard, Joachim Gaertner