From: Doug Bowman <>
 Date: February 17, 2004 8:16:56 AM EST
 To: 3dui List <>
 Subject: IEEE VR conference announcement


 The early registration deadline for the IEEE VR 2004 conference
 is approaching this Saturday, FEBRUARY 21.

 Online and offline registration are available at:

 The conference is located in Chicago and hosted by the Hotel
 Intercontinental, an excellent facility and an architectural event
 by itself. The hotel is at the center of
Chicago's exciting
 Magnificent Mile, a rich shopping shopping and cultural district.

 This year's program is better than ever. Highlights include:

 * A keynote speech from Kurt Akeley, co-founder of SGI,
 who will speak on "
Moore's Law at the VR Experience",
 focusing especially on focus cues in VR displays.

 * A demo night at U. Illinois Chicago's Electronic Visualization
 Lab, including new VR displays such as the high brightness BAT
 display, a new autostereoscopic display, and the low cost GeoWall.

 * A jam-packed exhibition by over a dozen companies of the
 latest VR technologies, including Intersense, SensAble
 Technologies, Reachin, Quanser, Orad Hi-Tec, FCS Control
 Systems, Immersion, Acuitive, Vicon and Force Dimension.

 * Panels on VR education and military simulation.

 * Workshops on VR as a display technology for the wider public
 and new VR interaction devices and techniques.

 * Tutorials on Open Scene Graph, conducting human subject
 experiments, and introductions to VR and augmented reality.

 * Paper sessions on tracking, multimodal display, 3D display,
 networked VR, rendering and simulation, 3D interaction,
 navigation and display and VR applications.

 * A high-visibility poster venue that includes a rapid-fire
 preview session in the main session.

 * The conference is once again co-located with the popular
 Haptics Symposium. Details on this event can be found at:

 For details on these events, see:

 See you there!

 Benjamin Watson
 Skip Rizzo

 IEEE VR 2004 Conference Co-Chairs

 Doug Bowman (540) 231-2058 (voice)
 Assistant Professor (540) 231-6075 (fax)
 Computer Science (email)
 Virginia Tech