From: Doug
Bowman <>
Date: February 17, 2004 8:16:56 AM EST
To: 3dui List
Subject: IEEE VR conference announcement
The early registration deadline for the
IEEE VR 2004 conference
is approaching this Saturday, FEBRUARY
Online and offline registration are
available at:
The conference is located in Chicago and
hosted by the Hotel
Intercontinental, an excellent facility
and an architectural event
by itself. The hotel is at the center of
Magnificent Mile, a rich shopping shopping and cultural district.
This year's program is better than ever.
Highlights include:
* A keynote speech from Kurt Akeley, co-founder of SGI,
who will speak on "
focusing especially on focus cues in VR
* A demo night at U. Illinois Chicago's
Electronic Visualization
Lab, including new VR displays such as
the high brightness BAT
display, a new autostereoscopic
display, and the low cost GeoWall.
* A jam-packed exhibition by over a
dozen companies of the
latest VR technologies, including Intersense, SensAble
Technologies, Reachin,
Quanser, Orad Hi-Tec, FCS
Systems, Immersion, Acuitive,
Vicon and Force Dimension.
* Panels on VR education and military
* Workshops on VR as a display
technology for the wider public
and new VR interaction devices and
* Tutorials on Open Scene Graph,
conducting human subject
experiments, and introductions to VR and
augmented reality.
* Paper sessions on tracking, multimodal
display, 3D display,
networked VR, rendering and simulation,
3D interaction,
navigation and display and VR
* A high-visibility poster venue that
includes a rapid-fire
preview session in the main session.
* The conference is once again
co-located with the popular
Symposium. Details on this event can be found at:
For details on
these events, see:
See you there!
Benjamin Watson
Skip Rizzo
IEEE VR 2004 Conference Co-Chairs
Doug Bowman (540) 231-2058 (voice)
Assistant Professor (540) 231-6075 (fax)
Computer Science (email)
Virginia Tech