Research Support (External Grants)
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for UxS Collaborative Agent Control (Phase II),” U.S. Army, subcontracted from Barron Inc., Total: $276,068, 8/30/23-2/28/25.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Machine Learning Methods for Monitoring Stolen Grain using Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA),” World Forest ID, Total: $230,000, 12/1/22-3/20/23.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for UxS Collaborative Agent Control (Phase I),” U.S. Army, subcontracted from Barron Inc., Total: $75,000, 6/30/22-12/29/22
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Social Media Based Early Cybersecurity Threat Detection,” National Science Foundation, Total: $100,000, 10/1/2021-9/30/2022.
- L. Freeman (PI), P. Butler, C.T. Lu, B. Mayer, N. Ramakrishnan, “Intellectual Property Model Language Repository,” Systems Engineering Research Center, Department of Defense, Total: $649,999, 9/25/2020-9/24/2021.
- M. Ma (PI-PKU), C.H. Chu (Penn State, International Collaborator), Prof. Chang-Tien Lu (VT, International Collaborator), “Proactive Anomaly Diagnosis for Microservice Architecture,” National Natural Science Foundation, China, Total: RMB$570,000 (USD $84,000), 1/1/2021 – 12/31/2024. (No personal share)
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Intelligent Threat Detection in Geospatial Contexts,” Engineer Research and Development Center, Army Corps of Engineers, Total: $90,000, 5/1/2020-4/31/2021.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Advanced Analytics for High-Performance Metro Security Monitoring,” through Schneider Electric Buildings Critical Systems, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Total: $150,000, 2/5/2020-2/4/2023.
- Brian Mayer (PI), C.T. Lu, P. Butler, N. Self, N. Ramakrishnan, “Early Detection of Proliferation Activities Using Open Source Indicators,” Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC, Dept. of Energy, Total: $706,588, 1/28/20 – 1/27/22.
- B.F. Wu (PI), Y.P. Huang (Co-PI), C.T. Lu (International Collaborator), Being Connected to the Bright Future: Leader-assisted Program to Secure Key Roles in Professional Societies and Link International Teams for Autonomous Car Technologies, Total: NTD$14,700,000 (USD$482,917), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC, 2019.8.1-2021.7.31. (No personal share)
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Technology Monitoring and Forecasting for JIDO,” Department of Defense, Joint with VT Applied Research Corporation, Phase I: $188,517, 12/20/18-5/15/20, Phase II: $196,063, 5/16/20-5/15/21)
- N. Ramakrishnan (PI), C.T. Lu, B. Mayer, N. Self, “Cost-Effective Semi-Automated Identification, Classification, and Coding of Significant Societal Events,” US Goverment, VT Total: $1,113,612, 6/27/18-6/26/19.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI) “Forecasting Transformative Technologies using Big Data,” Department of Defense, Joint with VT Applied Research Corporation, VT Total: $454,896, 04/11/2017-9/26/2019.
- C.T. Lu (PI). I.R. Chen, N. Ramakrishnan, “Advanced Analytics for Trustworthy Storytelling,” Army Research Office, Total $119,248, 8/10/2016-8/09/2017.
- C.T. Lu (PI), N. Ramakrishnan, “Cyber and Advanced Data Analytics and Processing,” Northrop Grumman Inc., Total $80,000, 8/1/2016-7/31/2018.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Analysis of Mobile Trajectories for Behavioral Targeting,” OmniScience Inc., Total $74,000, 8/16/2016-8/31/2017.
- C. Clancy (PI), N. Ramakrishnan, J. Black, C. North, P. Hauck, M. Marathe, B. Lewis, C.T. Lu, “SAFE: SIGINT-based Anticipation of Future Events,” US Government, Total: $1,232,157, 5/1/2016-10/31/2017.
- S. Aluru (PI, Georgia Tech), A. Krishnamurthy (PI, UNC Chapel Hill), C.T. Lu (VT Representative), “BD Hubs: Collaborative Proposal: SOUTH: A Big Data Innovation Hub for the South Region,” National Science Foundation, Total $1,249,979, 10/1/2015-9/30/2018.
- N. Ramakrishnan (PI), L. Watson, J. Ryan, H. Rakha, S. Rahman, D. Parikh, A. Marathe, C.T. Lu, S. Leman, S.Keller, L. House, M. Embree, D. Batra, K. Abbas, D. Bieri, “NRT-DESE: UrbComp: Data Science for Modeling, Understanding, and Advancing Urban Populations,” National Science Foundation, Total:$2,999,091, 9/1/2015-8/31/2020.
- N. Ramakrishnan (PI) with Co-PIs: C.-T. Lu, Chris North, P. Butler, P. Hauck, J. Greene, and C. Tysor, “Pythia: Anticipatory Intelligence from Open Source Indicators,” US Government, Total $3,585,438, 9/1/2015-8/31/2016.
- C.T. Lu (PI), Ing-Ray Chen, Naren Ramakrishnan, “Automated Sense-making for Massive Spatio-Temporal Attributed Data,” Army Research Office, Total $300,000, 9/8/2014-8/17/2016.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Advanced Analytics for ITS,” District Department of Transportation, Total $244,300, 1/1/2015-5/15/2017.
- C.T. Lu (PI), Hesham Rakha (CEE, Co-PI), “ITS Technical Support for System Integration: Tunnel-Operation Dynamic Messages, Mobile CCTV, Traffic Data Visualization, and Social Media Analysis” District Department of Transportation, Total $178,000, 1/1/2014-12/31/2014.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Automated Power Line Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Wipro Inc. Total: $70,002, 5/15/2014-5/14/2015.
- Montasir Abbas (PI), Lisa McNair (Co-PI), Chang-Tien Lu (Co-PI), “Game-Aided Pedagogy to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes and Engagement in Transportation Engineering,” National Science Foundation, Total: $199,575, 7/1/2013-12/31/2016.
- Naren Ramakrishnan (CS, PI), Scott Leman (Stat, Co-PI), Michael Roan (ME, Co-PI), Chang-Tien Lu (CS, Co-PI), Madhav Marathe (VBI, Co-PI), “EMBERS: Early Model Based Event Recognition using Surrogates,” Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), Open Source Indicators (OSI) Program, Total: $22,511,834, 4/1/12-7/30/16.
- Ing-Ray Chen (PI), Chang-Tien Lu (Co-PI), “Dynamic Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks,” Army Research Office, Total: $50,000, 12/11-9/2012.
- C.T. Lu (PI), Ing-Ray Chen, “Advanced Spatial Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery System,” Engineer Research and Development Center, Army Corps of Engineers, Total: $278,471, 7/10/2011-7/9/2014.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Captop Enhancements: Travel Time Display, Patrol AVL and Remote Data Collections,” District Department of Transportation, Total $159,600, 1/13-12/13.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Captop Enhancements: Real-time Traffic Monitoring and Analysis,” District Department of Transportation, Total $201,398, 1/10-12/12.
- C.T. Lu (PI), Pamela Murray-Tuite, Kathleen Hancock, “Yellow Button: Creating a Situationally Aware Community through Collective Intelligence,” Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology, Total: $52,500, 7/1/2010-6/30/2011.
- Wu-chun Feng (PI), K. Hilu (Co-PI), S. King (Co-PI), C.T. Lu (Senior Personnel), “MRI-R2: Acquisition of a Heterogeneous Supercomputing Instrument for Transformative Interdisciplinary Research,” National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrument Program, Total: $1,992,527, 2010. (Equipment Grant)
- C.T. Lu (PI), Ing-Ray Chen (Co-PI), “Knowledge-Based Mining Techniques for Developing Onto-Biothesaurus for Gene/Protein Names in Medical Databases,” National Institute of Health (Georgetown U. subcontract), Total $43,011, 9/1/10-8/31/11.
- C.T. Lu (Sole PI), “Homes: Highway Operation Monitoring and Evaluation System, Virginia Department of Transportation, Total $118,070, 8/09-7/11.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “CIRA: Crime Information Retrieval on Android,” Android for Education Program, Google Inc., Total $4,500, 3/2010-2/2011. (Equipment Grant)
- C.T. Lu (PI), I.R. Chen (Co-PI), “Multithread Multi-core Architecture for Engineering Applications,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $11,335, 5/09-8/09.
- C.T. Lu (PI), I.R. Chen (Co-PI), “Graphical User Interface Development for Video Summarization Applications,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $12,525, 1/09-5/09.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Real-Time Biometric Tool Development,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $12,000, 8/08-12/08.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “A Novel Wireless Sensor Network with Advanced Prognostic Algorithms for Condition Based Maintenance of Critical Power Plant Components,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $10,281, Personal Share $10,281 (100%), 1/08-8/08.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “A Novel Speech Separation Approach to Speaker Identification and Speech Recognition in Noisy Environment,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $9,500, 8/07-5/08.
- I.R. Chen (PI), C.T. Lu (Co-PI), “Intelligent Visualization and Analysis of Traffic Data on the Sun Platform for Transportation Government Agencies,” Sun Microsystems, Academic Excellence Grant, Total $39,975, 3/2008 – 9/2008. (Equipment Grant)
- C.T. Lu (PI), I.R. Chen (Co-PI), “3D Interfaces for Improved Interpretation of Hard-To-Discriminate Ballistic Objects,” Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, STTR Phase II, Total $65,000, 12/06-10/07.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Real-Time Freeway Performance Monitoring System (Continuation),” Virginia Transportation Research Council, Virginia Department of Transportation, Total $15,396 (100%), 1/08-5/08.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Real-Time Freeway Performance Monitoring System,” Virginia Transportation Research Council, Virginia Department of Transportation, Total $206,250, Personal Share: $206,250 (100%), 1/2007-12/07.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “A High Performance Automatic Chemical Agent Classification Software for Chemical Biosensors,” Signal Processing Inc., Total $16,000, Personal Share $16,000, 9/06-8/07.
- C.T. Lu (PI), I.R. Chen (Co-PI), “Advanced Interactive C2 Knowledge Mining and Visualization System,” Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, SBIR, Total $29,996, 3/06-9/07.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “3D Visualization for Discrimination of Closely-Spaced and Spectrally-Matched Objects,” Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, STTR Phase I, Total $45,000, 9/05-6/06.
- C.T. Lu (PI), “Efficient and Scalable Design of Archived Data Management System,” Virginia Transportation Research Council, Virginia Department of Transportation, Total $54,216, 9/05-6/06.
- I.R. Chen (PI), C.T. Lu (Co-PI), “Efficient and Scalable Localized Search Engine,” NetRoster Inc., Total $18,337, 1/05-7/05.