- The Washington Post is developing an AI-powered answer tool informed by its coverage
- The Washington Post is partnering with Virginia Tech’s Sanghani Center for Artificial and Data Analytics to develop the new tech.
- Three computer scientists elected fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Three computer scientists elected fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Chang-Tien Lu, Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, and Naren Ramakrishnan are among fewer than 0.1 percent of voting members in the institute to be selected annually for this career milestone.
- Interview with Fanglan Chen: Exploring tradeoffs in automated school redistricting, EAAI, 2023
- The proposed framework can balance multiple criteria in automatically generating school redistricting plans.
- Best paper award, ASONAM, 2023
- Sanghani Center research takes new approach to analyze depression, anxiety from Reddit posts to provide better care, lower suicide rate
- Software platform engages communities in school rezoning decisions, 2022
- Redistrict, an online interactive platform developed at the Sanghani Center for AI and DA at Virginia Tech, is trying to reduce that stress by getting parents and other stakeholders more involved in the process
- Twelve Virginia Tech faculty join Innovation Campus, 2022
- Experts in computer science and computer engineering will help shape the campus culture and curriculum
- Summer Intern Student: TJ Today: Jason Wang: Scientist Dedicated to Service, 2021
- Senior Jason Wang successfully publishes a research paper on his novel machine-learning approach to cyberbullying detection and presents his findings at the IEEE BigData Conference.
- Chang-Tien Lu Received Dean's Award for Excellence in Research, 2021
- Chang-Tien leads the Computer Science National Capital Region Program as director. He is an associate director of the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.
- Jason Wang presents paper at IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2020
- Thomas Jefferson High School student’s DAC summer internship leads to his first publication — Jason Wang presents paper at IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- Advanced event prediction system to improve metro security, 2020
- Chang-Tien Lu working with Maryland firm on advanced event prediction system to improve metro security
- Chang-Tien Lu conducts research for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help detect insider threats, 2020
- Lu has received $90,000 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design a machine learning-based intelligent system that combines entity and environmental information into a non-linear approach to evaluate insider threat level and identify dangerous scenarios.
- Chang-Tien Lu Named College of Engineering Faculty Fellow, 2015
- Chang-Tien (C.T.) Lu, professor of computer science and associate director of the Discovery Analytics Center, has been named a College of Engineering faculty fellow.
- Chang-Tien Lu Named ACM Distinguished Scientist, 2015
- ACM's Distinguished Members Cited for Advances in Computing that Will Yield Real World Impact
- Apply big data solutions to regional challenges, 2015
- Virginia Tech takes part in multi-university effort to apply big data solutions to regional challenges
- Analyzing Civil Unrest through Social Media, IEEE Special Technical Community (STC) on Social Networking, 2014
- Mining and analyzing data from social networks such as Twitter can reveal new insights into the causes of civil disturbances, including trigger events and the role of political entrepreneurs and organizations in galvanizing public opinion.
- Army awards Discovery Analytics Center researcher $300,000 to develop Big Data storytelling tool, 2014
- Chang-Tien Lu has been awarded a $300,000 subcontract from the United States Army Research Office and United States Army ERDC to develop an automated tool to make sense of data captured in news articles, tweets, images, and audio and video streams.
- U.S. Intelligence Community Explores More Rigorous Ways to Forecast Events, Wall Street Journal, 2014
- New Approaches to Prediction Emphasize Data-Gathering and Crowdsourcing Over Individual Deliberation
- What Makes Heroic Strife, Economist, 2012
- Computer models that can predict the outbreak and spread of civil conflict are being developed
- Building a “Data Eye in the Sky” CCC Blog, 2012
- IARPA issued contracts to three research teams, providing funding potentially for up to three years, with continuation beyond the first year contingent upon satisfactory progress.
- The EMBERS Project Can Predict the Future with Twitter, Newsweek, 2012
- VT offers a glimpse into just how much "big data" has changed the game by magnifying the U.S. intelligence community's ability to forecast—with phenomenal accuracy—human behavior on a global scale by scouring Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Tor, Facebook and more.
- How Dubuque Is Becoming The Smartest City In America, 2011
- By providing its citizens with a steady stream of personalized, real-time data, the ninth-largest city in Iowa is changing the world
- Now Blooming: Digital Models, Washington Post, ACM Tech News Early Alert Service, 2008
- Virginia Tech's students experimented with computer modeling and artificial intelligence using historical data.
- Real-time Freeway Performance Monitoring System, VTRC, 2008
- The purpose of this project is to develop a system that will assist the Northern Region STC engineers and operators to identify, measure, and report the status of the freeway system and individual facilities. It is intended to give the user the ability to visualize data at many temporal and spatial scales.