Jinshu Liu 

Jinshu Liu

CS PhD student @ VT

About Me

I am a PhD student at Department of Computer Science in Virginia Tech, working with Huaicheng Li. I work broadly on memory system, with particular interests in memory profiling, performance analysis and system-level performance optimization. Previously, I earned my master degree in Computer Science at University of Rochester, where I worked on data management system for scientific computing, advised by Fatemeh Nargesian. I recieved my bachelor's degree in Energy and Power Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University in June 2019. [cv]


Virginia Tech | PhD in Computer Science | 2022 - present

University of Rochester | MS in Computer Science | 2021 - 2022

Xi'an Jiaotong University | BE in Energy and Power Engineering | 2014 - 2019


[C3] Systematic CXL Memory Characterization and Performance Analysis at Scale.

Jinshu Liu, Hamid Hadian, Yuyue Wang, Daniel S. Berger, Marie Nguyen, Xun Jian, Sam H. Noh, Huaicheng Li.

Proceedings of ACM ASPLOS (ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 30 - April 3, 2025.


[X] Dissecting CXL Memory Performance at Scale: Analysis, Modeling, and Optimization.

Jinshu Liu, Hamid Hadian, Hanchen Xu, Daniel S. Berger, Huaicheng Li.



[C2] TSUPY: Dynamic Climate Network Analysis Library.

Jinshu Liu, Yunlong Xu, Fatemeh Nargesian, Gourab Ghoshal.

Proceedings of ACM CIKM (ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), Demo Track, Atlanta GA, October 2022.

[paper-acm] [paper-pdf] [code]

[C1] TSUBASA: Climate Network Construction on Historical and Real-Time Data.

Yunlong Xu=, Jinshu Liu=, Fatemeh Nargesian.

Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD (ACM Special Interest Group in Management Of Data), Philadelphia PA, June 2022.

[paper-acm] [paper-pdf] [code] [poster]


CS3214 Computer Systems | Teaching Assistant | Fall 2022


Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. | Memory Solutions Lab | Memory System Research Intern | May 2024 - Aug 2024

ANSYS, Inc. | Software Developer Intern | Jun 2019 - Sept 2019


IEEE Micro Top Picks 2024 Honorable Mention

Grad: Pratt Graduate Fellowship

Undergrad: Peng Kang Scholarship, GEELY Auto 1st Class Scholarship

Travel Awards: CIKM (NSF), FAST, ...


More, more and more:

My Chinese name is 刘 (Liu) 金澍 (Jinshu). Most Chinese people I met do not know how to pronounce it when they see in Chinese. In contrast, most people I met in America can pronounce Jinshu correctly...🙃🙂🙃 I was born and living in Shenyang (Mukden, ᠰᡳᠮᡳᠶᠠᠨ) before I went to college. After I went to other cities in China or in other countries, I gradually realized that Shenyang (or Northeast China) is quite interesting and unique. People living in the northeatern part of China are so optimistic to suffer from the long, tedious and boring winter caused by Siberian High. You might get it, humor from awkwardness, when you listen to this song. I am also very familiar with Xi'an and the people living there. I can say that Xi'an is very different from Shenyang. It took me almost two years to get used to their "culture". Rochester, NY, is a small city, but I still had the chance to meet some interesting people 🙂. Now, I have been in Blacksburg for several years, a quiet and peaceful place, perfect for research 🙂.


Email: jinshu AT vt DOT edu