1.4 Mapping Abstraction and Separation to Classes and Objects

Software development centers on rendering abstractions in a form that allows them to be manipulated within a software system. An abstraction was described as a collection of attributes and a behavior. As shown in the figure below, the attributes of an abstraction are mapped to a set of data (variables, array, lists, complex data structures, etc.) and the behavior of an abstraction is mapped to a set of methods (also known as operations, functions, actions). The rendering of abstractions in software has always been the implicit goal of programming though it may have been overshadowed by more mechanical considerations.

Mapping Abstractions to Software

What object-oriented programming brings to the task of capturing abstractions in software are more sophisticated structures, namely classes and objects, for representing abstractions. These new software structures permit abstractions to be represented more easily, more directly, and more explicitly. Learning how to use existing classes to create and manipulate objects is the first step in learning about object-oriented programming. As a user, you are able to benefit from the hard work already done by the designer and implementor of existing classes. This ability to reuse existing classes is one of the major benefits of software reuse, in general, and object-oriented programming in particular.


A class defines the specific structure of a given abstraction (what data it has, what methods it has, how its methods are implemented). The class has a unique name that conveys the meaning of the abstraction that it represents. The term "class" is used to suggest that it represent all the members of a given group (or class). For example, a SalesPerson class might represent all individuals in the group of "people selling cars at an automobile dealership". An object represents a specific member of this group.

Separation of interface from implementation is used to divide the class into two parts, commonly referred to as the private part and the public part. The data and methods are mapped to these two parts of the class as shown below. This separation of private data and code from the visible names of methods is motivated by long years of software engineering experience showing that it is important to protect the data against unexpected, unwanted and erroneous access from other parts of the software that is manipulating the object. The separation also serves to hide the algorithm used to perform a method.

The General Structure of a Class

The relationship of a class to abstraction and separation are reflected in the following definition:

A named software representation for an abstraction that separates the implementation of the representation from the interface of the representation.
The obvious similarity in the definitions of the terms "abstraction" and "class" underscores how explicitly and directly a class is meant to model a real-world entity.

It is interesting to note that there are object-oriented languages that do not have classes but use other techniques to achieve a similar effect. Languages, like C++, Java, and others that have a class concept are referred to as "class-based languages."


While a class defines the structure of an entire collection of similar things (e.g., anyone who is a SalesPerson), an object represents a specific instance of that class (e.g., the sales person whose name is "John Smith", who has a commission rate of 15%, etc.). The class definition allows the common structure to be defined once and reused when creating new objects that need the structure defined by the class. An object's properties are exactly those described by the class from which it was created.

The key aspects of the object structure, as shown below, mirrors the structure of the class from which it was created. As with a class, the two main parts of an object are its:

In the figure below, the methods that can be invoked from outside the object are shown as small dark circles on the border of the object's boundary. The code that implements the methods is part of the object's implementation and is hidden inside the object. The term "encapsulation" is often used to describe the hiding of the object's implementation details. It is common to read that "an object encapsulates its data". Encapsulation is defined as:
in object-oriented programming, the restriction of access to data within an object to only those methods defined by the object's class.
The notion of encapsulation is fundamental to an understand of objects and object-oriented programming.

The General Structure of an Object

The term instantiation is used to describe the act of creating an object from a class and the object is called an instance of the class. Numerous instantiations can be made of a given class, each yielding a distinct object. This leads to definition of an object as:

a distinct instance of a given class that encapsulates its implementation details and is structurally identical to all other instances of that class.
This definition highlights the fact that all objects that are instances of a given class are structurally identical: they have the same arrangement of data and can respond to the same set of method invocations. However, as shown in the following figure, each object may have different values for its data. In the figure there are two instances of the SalesPerson class. Both objects encapsulate the same type of data (name, commissionRate, and totalSales). The two objects currently have different values for the name and totalSales data but they currently have the same value for the commissionRate data. Both objects have two methods that can be invoked: sellCar and reportSales.

Multiple Instances of a Class

The relationship between a class and the objects that can be created using the class is often likened to that of a factory and the things produced by that factory. An automobile factory produces automobiles in the same way that an Automobile class can be used to create Automobile objects. Also, an Automobile class can produce only Automobile objects just as an automobile factory can produce only automobiles, not vacuum cleaners or rocket ships.


Classes and objects are often discussed by developers in life-like, personal, anthropomorphic terms. A developer might say that "The class should not be responsible for that." or "I expect the object to reply to inquiries about its current state.". The developer may even assume the identity of the object to better understand the role of the object in a system's design. In this mode, a developer may ask "What is expected of me?", "How will I be able to do that?", or "Why do you want to know that about me?". Questions such as these often lead a developer to a better intuitive understanding of an objects and its relation to other objects.

A simple and popular design technique is intuitively related to the anthropomorphic view of objects. This technique focuses on identifying for each object (or class of objects) its responsibilities and its collaborators. An object's (or class's) responsibilities are those properties or duties the object (or class) is obligated to maintain or perform. An object's (or class's) collaborators are those other objects (or classes) with which the given object (or class) must interact. The terms "responsibilities" and "collaborators" reflect the anthropomorphic view of objects.

The personification of objects reflects the correspondence developers see between the real world entity and its the abstraction, on the one hand, and the classes and objects that are their software counterparts, on the other. This view also reflects the autonomy and encapsulation assigned by designers to objects and classes.

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Last Updated: July 24, 1996 / kafura@cs.vt.edu