Home Schedule Dates Workshop Materials DIS 2012 Workshops
Designing for Cognitive Limitations
June 12, 2012, Newcastle UK (part of DIS 2012)
Scott McCrickard, Virginia Tech
Lewis, Coleman Institute and University of Colorado Boulder
Claims sets:
Claims set v2
Claims set v1
Workshop slides and summary:
Presentation and activities
Summary blog post (McCrickard)
Position papers:
ACES: Ruminations on Language Emulation Software
Joshua Hailpern, Marina Danilevsky, University of Illinois at Urbanan Champaign
Reducing Cognitive Load by Using the Periphery of our Attention
Doris Hausen, University of Munich
Designing for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Distorder in Play Therapy: The Case of Magic Land
Olga Pykhtina, Madeline Balaam, Gavin Wood, Sue Pattison, Patrick Olivier, Newcastle University
Active Aging in Community Centers and ICT Design Implications
Young S. Lee, Shirley Chaysinh, Santosh Basapur, Crysta J. Metcalf, Hiren Mandalia, Motorola Mobility
Designing a Mobile Survey Application for People with Cognitive Disabilities
George Zhang, D. Scott McCrickard, Shea Tanis, Clayton Lewis, Virginia Tech/University of Colorado