Discussion Notes
Jan 19
(courtesy Saverio Perugini)
- purely collaborative
- mines URLs
- role specialization
- uses IR metrics - precision and recall - acceptable here
- results verified against FAQs
- results could be used to create FAQs in domains where they currently
do not exist and/or improve upon existing FAQs
Referral Web
- discovers a `static' social network; entities are assumed to not
move stations during the time under consideration
- lifetime important - in this case it is many years
- social network modeling can be very fickle; need to know when
two entities being referred to in different ways are actually
the same and when to give importance to distinctions
- no weight associated with links
- only one type of link
- strong theoretical basis from bibliometrics
- very error prone
- Auto-refresh tricks in AltaVista and Excite
- see fifth reference for one of the first untouted works on
recommender systems
- a hybrid of both content and collaborative-based filtering
- content features are orthogonal
- people's tastes are not necessarily orthogonal - need to mine types,
which introduces excess and defect, which is what we recommend on
- cluster by ratings, not tastes
- overlap in bookmark folders
- how do they get the bookmarks?
- similarity relationship is directed and not necessarily reciprocal -
sets Siteseer apart from the other recommender systems in this
CACM special issue on recommender systems
- backflip system allow users to share bookmarks
- not to be confused with Citeseer
- clusters users - one way of handling sparsity (another way coming
in next class)
- recommend only within the bucket / cluster
- author went on to start NetPerceptions - personalization
Rec. Sys. for Evaluating Computer Messages
- Title doesn't seem to fit
- Definition of Nash Equilibrium
- only 2 actions (read or wait) - makes for easy analysis
- Example sites: epinions.com
- mostly collaborative - reflects the fact that this issue was
born out of a collaborative filtering workshop
- no talk of any detailed domain-specific
- bedside reading, not very technical