Discussion Notes

Jan 22

(courtesy Saverio Perugini and Balaji Krishnamachari-Sampath)

Horting Hatches an Egg: A New Graph-Theoretic Approach to Collaborative Filtering

  • focusing on accuracy and learning curve - the Achilles heel of collaborative filtering
  • directed graph model: nodes - users, directed edges - predictability
  • introduces the idea of making an indirect recommendation
  • concepts of horting and predicting are not transitive in that a direct hammock is not implied
  • recommendations are not symmetric - ala Siteseer
  • evaluation is tricky
  • takes care of the effusivity and negation aspects of making recommendation (e.g. making use of left shifting)
  • items presented for evaluation to users are partitioned into a "hot set" - to increase commonality in order to recommend better; and a "cold set" - to increase coverage
  • incorporates a hierarchical classification and creative links which violate that hierarchical classification
  • one of several techniques of the IRA, situation analyzer
  • tested against mythical e-commerce site / artificial data

Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering

  • second to Resnick and Varian as the most widely referenced paper in recommender systems - an indication of the prematurity of the field
  • a purely statistical model (correlation, Pearson's r, vector similarity, inverse user frequency)
  • use default votes to handle sparsity
  • an extreme end of the spectrum of methods of evaluating a recommender system
  • focused on accuracy of predictions, not efficiency
  • distinguishes between memory-based CF (lazy learning, non-parametric) and model-based CF (eager learning, parametric) - involves a lot of preprocessing; incrementality becomes an issue - almost impossible with a neural network or Bayesian network
  • item by item recommendations versus ranked lists
  • make use of protocols developed for other domains
  • makes vivid a very important aspect of recommender systems, that is, human satisfaction cannot be replaced with functions
  • do not address incrementality and do not capture the underlying social process
  • the other end of the spectrum is going out and doing satisfaction surveys, studies, etc. (HCI) - purely social
  • Is there something in between these two extremes that can make CS folks happy???

Eigentaste: A Constant Time Collaborative Filtering Algorithm

  • accurate and efficient recommendations to users in constant time
  • of course, not really constant time, because of all the work they do up front
  • distinguishes between so-called universal queries and user-selected queries
  • Universal queries (i.e. every user rates n number of items, called the "gauge" set - arbitrarily chosen?) yield a dense matrix, a solution to sparsity.
  • validated their work in the domain of jokes - jester - a domain in which there is minimal variation in thoughts between the different people who are providing evaluations
  • not dynamic
  • evaluation done once again via a function
  • function could be a black box (e.g. a neural network)
  • function misses other roles
  • One has to realize that in a two moded model (e.g. people and movies), the second mode (e.g. movies) brings the first mode together.
  • concept of "affiliation" network -
    • people - primary
    • movies, books, cds, etc. - secondary
  • While functional mapping (using a training set and a test set) as means of an evaluation technique is the most widely accepted and easiest in the field of recommender systems, it is also the most shallow.
  • Bottom line is that there is a social element to recommender systems

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