Discussion Notes

Mar 26, 2001

(courtesy Dawei Chen)

Metaphorical Design

Definition of a Metaphor: In linguistics, metaphor may be defined as a concept from one linguistic category (the source) used about a phenomenon normally referred to by concepts from a different linguistic category (the target).


  1. Links between documents

    Assumptions: Links are directional (source to destination), Links are one-to-many, The destination may not be instantly updated

    Metaphors: TV broadcasting, pointer, newspaper, pipes, and paths.

  2. Library

    Warehouse Metaphor
    stock in trade		: book stock
    orders			: requisitions
    loss			: lost books
    purchase of goods	: acquisitions
    delivery of goods	: lending of books
    Meeting Place Metaphor
    announcing		: new books available
    review			: review by borrowers
    			  and expert
    calendar		: announcing event for
    			  specific books
    bulletin board		: electronic bulletin
    			  board facilitating 
    			  between borrowers


Generating Metaphors: Getting ideas for potential metaphors to be used in the design process.

Evaluating Metaphors: Choosing from among the potential metaphors the one that may fit the particular design task.

Developing metaphors: Using the metaphors chosen in the actual design task.

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