CS 6604: Tools for On-line Education Steve Edwards This course is a graduate seminar course covering advanced topics in software support for on-line teaching and learning. The course will involve a combination of reading/discussing current papers in the relevant research literature, and group projects that involve developing or extending tools for on-line education. Possible topics to be discussed in the course include: -- Background on educational theory and the basics of instructional design -- Research issues in evaluating learning impact -- Course management systems (e.g. Moodle, Sakai, Blackboard) -- Tools for on-line learning -- Tools for communication in the classroom Group projects are pursued by small groups of students (2-3), and consist of a semester-long design and development task: creating an electronic solution to a teaching-related or learning-related problem of interest to that group. In addition to bi-weekly project reviews, each group will produce a draft conference paper describing their work.