CS 6724: Natural User Interfaces Fall 2014 Doug Bowman The term “natural user interfaces" (NUIs) has been used recently to refer to invisible interfaces based primarily on gesture. Technology for NUIs includes both 2D multi-touch input and 3D device-less tracking systems such as Kinect or Leap. However, far from being fully “natural,” NUIs have significant issues and require careful design to ensure a good user experience. This seminar course will focus on the design of novel natural user interfaces. Using commodity NUI technologies, students will be challenged to imagine innovative ways to employ NUIs for real-world applications. The emphasis will be on design process and products, rather than on formal experimental evaluation, so class meetings will often take the form of brainstorming or design studio sessions. The class will develop a large number of rapid prototypes and 1-3 more fully formed NUIs. The course is expected to result not only in peer-reviewed publications, but also innovative demonstrations that can be disseminated broadly online. To request this class, please contact Dr. Doug Bowman (bowman@vt.edu).