CS 6104: Randomized Algorithms Fall, 2015 Instructor: Lenwood S. Heath Randomized algorithms are an advanced topic in the theory of algorithms where probabilistic analysis and the use of randomization in the execution of algorithms play an important role. In this course, we will study discrete probability as it applies to randomized algorithms as well as particular applications of randomized algorithms. You are encouraged to check the table of contents of the textbook: Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal, Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521835402. We will follow that table of contents in the course and touch on much of the book. Grading will be based on six homework assignments and scribing (taking notes and typing them up for distribution to all). There will be no exams. Prerequisite: an undergraduate or graduate course in algorithms is required; background in discrete probability and combinatorics is highly desirable