CS 6204 Advanced Topics in Systems
Spring 2006

The Computer Science Department is moving agressively to build a strong research group in systems. Faculty hired in recent years include Srinidhi Varadarajan (1999), Godmar Back (2004) and Kirk Cameron (2005). Eli Tilevich and Wu Feng are joining this group in January, with the promise of more to follow in 2006 and/or 2007.

The goal of this 6204 offering is to introduce students to the research activities of CS faculty in the broad area of systems, and then engage those students with one or more individual faculty members. So this course may be viewed as an umbrella under which several specific advanced topics courses may emerge.

Students who are interested in doing research in systems are strongly encouraged to participate in this course. Others whose research relates to systems work will find the course useful as well. Professors Kirk Cameron and Wu Feng will co-coordinate the course. Course topics may include: high-performance networking and computing, computational and data grids, parallel and distributed systems, advanced computer architecture, power-aware systems, and performance evaluation and prediction. Additional single topic lectures from Professors Back, Varadarajan, and Tilevich are also likely.